
Q33 no idea what to do
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7 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
iTeachChem Helper
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myst1cboomer9mo ago
actually you have to use a not given data ie the H2O to 4H+ one which is -1.23V
Aman9mo ago
Bhaut pyara question h ye Class m btaya tha sir n
iTeachChem9mo ago
https://byjus.com/question-answer/the-standard-reduction-potential-of-the-reaction-at-25-circ-c-n2o-e-gives-half/ Would this work? Assuming that water + H2 -> hydronium + e- is same as h2-> H+ + e?
The standard reduction potential of the reaction at 25^° C ,Н2О + ...
The standard reduction potential of the reaction at 25^° C ,Н2О + e^ gives half H2(g) +OH^ is 0.8277 V. The equilibrium constant for the reaction H2O reversible H3O^++OH^ at 25^° C is
iTeachChem8mo ago
@Gamertug check this out +fsolved
iTeachChem Helper
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