RunPod•9mo ago

can 3 different serverless workers running from same network volume?

Hi @digigoblin I have checked your answer about symbol linking network volume dir to serverless dir and run worker from the network volume as it did as if it was a separate pod instance. https://github.com/ashleykleynhans/runpod-worker-comfyui/blob/main/start.sh#L5-L7 I fully understand it and thank you for the instruction. Nevertheless, if I am running 3 serverless workers, all of them will launch comfyui main script from the same network volume folder and read and write the ./input and ./output directory or the big model files simultaneously from the same volume. is this a problem in terms of the performance, or do you have a best practice for such a typical scenario where multiple workers sharing same source directory because we do not want to copy big models and working directory for each of these workers. thank you so much and looking forward to your kindly response.
runpod-worker-comfyui/start.sh at main · ashleykleynhans/runpod-wor...
RunPod Serverless Worker for the ComfyUI Stable Diffusion API - ashleykleynhans/runpod-worker-comfyui
48 Replies
nerdylive•9mo ago
i dont think thats a problem with input and output to the same dir, dont copy the models. just use the right paths, or symlink works too
MonsterOP•9mo ago
thank you @nerdylive for your prompt response
nerdylive•9mo ago
no problem!
MonsterOP•9mo ago
for the starter.sh I cited, I saw the comfyUI server is running within the venv (the code is listed below), while the rp_handler.py is running out of the venv. is this the mandate from runpod serverless? or can I run the python3 -u /rp_handler.py also within the venv. echo "Starting ComfyUI API" source /workspace/venv/bin/activate TCMALLOC="$(ldconfig -p | grep -Po "libtcmalloc.so.\d" | head -n 1)" export LD_PRELOAD="${TCMALLOC}" export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true export HF_HOME="/workspace" cd /workspace/ComfyUI python main.py --port 3000 > /workspace/logs/comfyui.log 2>&1 & deactivate echo "Starting RunPod Handler" python3 -u /rp_handler.py the reason why I am asking, I have installed all the dependencies in the venv, trying to avoid more installing operation in the dockerfile only for rp_handler.py @nerdylive sorry for my ignorance to runpod serverless dev
digigoblin•9mo ago
Its up to you, you can run it inside or outside of venv as long as its run
MonsterOP•9mo ago
so it is not a mandatory to run rp_handler outside of venv?
digigoblin•9mo ago
MonsterOP•9mo ago
even I run it within the venv in the docker, the serverless will hook it up
digigoblin•9mo ago
Serverless doesn't care how you run it, as long as as serverless.start() is called.
MonsterOP•9mo ago
got it, thank you @digigoblin you are the hero additional silly question @digigoblin I have deployed the customized serverless workers running on network volume, but got one error here 2024-06-12T12:06:12.254441486Z Worker Initiated 2024-06-12T12:06:12.254454526Z Symlinking files from Network Volume 2024-06-12T12:06:12.256156489Z Activating Virtual Environment 2024-06-12T12:06:12.260177702Z runpod-worker-comfy: Starting ComfyUI 2024-06-12T12:06:12.260310884Z runpod-worker-comfy: Starting RunPod Handler 2024-06-12T12:06:12.261887625Z /start.sh: line 23: /workspace/ComfyUI/logs/comfyui.log: No such file or directory 2024-06-12T12:06:12.270993788Z Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-06-12T12:06:12.271003338Z File "/rp_handler.py", line 1, in <module> 2024-06-12T12:06:12.271021379Z import runpod 2024-06-12T12:06:12.271028059Z ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'runpod' I have installed runpod module using pip3 install runpod in the venv already, why it still asking for this installation. my start.sh script is very simple like this
nerdylive•9mo ago
have you activated venv before calling the rp_handler.py?
MonsterOP•9mo ago
MonsterOP•9mo ago
No description
nerdylive•9mo ago
did you activate the venv before installing runpod?
MonsterOP•9mo ago
yes I did
nerdylive•9mo ago
its weird then if you did. it should be there is it attached to the network volume?
MonsterOP•9mo ago
yes, all the files on the network volume is there accessible to the docker. they works fine let me do it again. let me activate and install runpod module again
wuxmes•9mo ago
any reason you're storing venv in workspace? just root install it in docker container will just make it slower since network volume is slower than container's disk network volume should be used for stuff like model weights
MonsterOP•9mo ago
by the way, the only way to debug serverless docker is I build the docker image locally, push it to the docker hub, and create template activate worker from runpod? it is very slow. is there better way to change the docker @nerdylive
nerdylive•9mo ago
the custom nodes in comfyui needs it, when you install one it installs its deps well its up to him too, ease of use when installing
MonsterOP•9mo ago
haha, I have installed the whole comfy, dependancies, custom node on a network volume, use it as a separate pod. I do not want to install all of these again it would be a nightmare, I do not know what did I installed and where 😄
nerdylive•9mo ago
edit the template Or use a pod
wuxmes•9mo ago
oh lol I use a1111 , didn't know comfyui has such a strange system
nerdylive•9mo ago
yeah, custom nodes are from community mostly, so they have much more customizeability and well other dependencies
MonsterOP•9mo ago
lucky you dear
wuxmes•9mo ago
this was such a pain that I ended up buying my own PC with 4070ti just so I could test stuff with cuda lol
MonsterOP•9mo ago
got it. thank you so much @nerdylive
nerdylive•9mo ago
digigoblin•9mo ago
You probably didn't install runpod module into the venv
MonsterOP•9mo ago
maybe, I am doing it as instructed
digigoblin•9mo ago
The repo I gave you above does not use venv for runpod module
nerdylive•9mo ago
but he says "I have installed runpod module using pip3 install runpod in the venv already, why it still asking for this installation."
MonsterOP•9mo ago
I did it mannually I thought. but not sure, I am doing it again
digigoblin•9mo ago
runpod-worker-comfyui/start.sh at main · ashleykleynhans/runpod-wor...
RunPod Serverless Worker for the ComfyUI Stable Diffusion API - ashleykleynhans/runpod-worker-comfyui
digigoblin•9mo ago
It deactivates venv then has runpod module installed into the system not venv, so does not look like you are using this Just use this, it works, then you don't have to fiddle around for hours
nerdylive•9mo ago
here i see no deactivate
digigoblin•9mo ago
yeah its different Don't think he is using the repo still trying to get it to work
nerdylive•9mo ago
haha you've guided 2 ppl to do that today nice
digigoblin•9mo ago
just use the repo because its wasting too much time to keep helping with this and getting nowhere
nerdylive•9mo ago
yeah thats working from the tutorial on the github
MonsterOP•9mo ago
I did not use the original because i do not want to install dependancy in the docker for the rp_handler.py. so I will make all dependancies in the venv and run both comfyui and rp_handler.py all within the venv in the worker
digigoblin•9mo ago
Oh is this someone else, I thought it was same person, my bad.
nerdylive•9mo ago
yeah same case, using comfyui worker
digigoblin•9mo ago
Don't know why you need to do this
nerdylive•9mo ago
dw, its small not really huge
MonsterOP•9mo ago
ok, I will mannual check this again. if still has the problem, I will rollback to use the orinial version of start.py and use the original dockerfile as will
digigoblin•9mo ago
If you want to use the venv for the handler, install runpod module into the venv The repo doesn't do that since runpod module is installed into the system and run from there
MonsterOP•9mo ago
understood sir

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