Going to my first Ren fair festival. Where's good inspiration and websites to buy outfits?
Hey all! So I've never been to a Ren fair festival before so I wanted to see if any of you knew good places to buy outfits?
It's going to be hot so if it's made of linen that'd be great but I'm open to anything as long as it's a "masculine Renaissance" type look if that makes sense?
5 Replies
dozens of artisans on etsy, take ur pick tbh
lots of etsy shops make me think "That looks like something I'd wear to a renaissance fair". For example https://www.etsy.com/listing/1076116808/mens-linen-tunic-shirt-collomia-loose?click_key=299f7e5df237bbfa966276c934d1822fc11d0224%3A1076116808&click_sum=7e642c4b&ref=shop_home_active_7&sts=1
i mean just check out this guys review, its gotta be good
popular etsy retailer that also has their own website if you would prefer to help them get their proper cut of the pay.
Burgschneider - Your online shop for medieval and fantasy fashion
Upgrade your medieval and fantasy wardrobe with Burgschneider, your go-to hero outfitter for historical re-enactment, ren faire, cosplay and live action role play. Browse through our selection of high-quality garments and accessories to fully immerse yourself in the world of the past and fantasy.