Python and Langchain
I am trying to execute the demo Github python and Langchain repo But I am having this problem when executing command: npx wrangler@latest dev.
✘ [ERROR] Error in makeHandler
✘ [ERROR] TypeError: response.body.arrayBuffer is not a function
at loadBundle (pyodide-internal:loadPackage:36:36)
at async Promise.all (index 12)
at async loadPackages (pyodide-internal:loadPackage:79:19)
at null.<anonymous> (async pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:87:5)
at async setupPackages (pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:85:10)
at null.<anonymous> (async pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:113:7)
at async preparePython (pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:129:22)
at null.<anonymous> (async pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:139:21)
at async Object.fetch (pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:137:26)
✘ [ERROR] Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: response.body.arrayBuffer is not a function
at loadBundle (pyodide-internal:loadPackage:36:36)
✘ [ERROR] Uncaught (in response) TypeError: response.body.arrayBuffer is not a function
at loadBundle (pyodide-internal:loadPackage:36:36)
at async Promise.all (index 12)
at async loadPackages (pyodide-internal:loadPackage:79:19)
at async pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:87:5
at async setupPackages (pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:85:10)
at async pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:113:7
at async preparePython (pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:129:22)
at async pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:139:21
at async Object.fetch (pyodide:python-entrypoint-helper:137:26)
[wrangler:inf] GET / 500 Internal Server Error (4ms)
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