Create CPU Pod through GraphQL

The API seems to expect a gpuTypeId even when you specify gpuCount: 0. Is there currently any way of creating a cpu only pod with GraphQL or any other programmatic way? Thanks
Hmm yeah try to reverse engineer it from your browser for now
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6 Replies
nerdylive5w ago
Hmm yeah try to reverse engineer it from your browser for now
nerdylive5w ago
Should work
Pseudoface5w ago
I didn't even think of that, thanks For anyone searching for this in the future, the GraphQL documentation doesn't seem to be up to date. There is a mutation called deployCpuPod that I couldn't find in the docs and the usual podFindAndDeployOnDemand won't work for CPU-only pods.
nerdylive5w ago
No worries, I'm sure runpod is fixing their graphql API too so it's more complete for all actions Yes Its like incomplete for now
Pseudoface5w ago
I'd imagine it will be more of a priority for them now that they've added CPU endpoints too For now this works great Example of the mutation: { "query": "mutation { deployCpuPod( input: { cloudType: SECURE, containerDiskInGb: 15, dataCenterId: null, deployCost: 0.06, instanceId: "cpu3c-2-4", networkVolumeId: null, ports: "8888/http", startJupyter: true, startSsh: true, templateId: "your template id", volumeKey: null } ) { id }" }
nerdylive5w ago