Shirt and tie for funeral

Hi, in a follow-up to my recent post I'm also looking for a steer for a shirt and tie I can wear to a funeral. I have a charcoal suit, and am assuming a white shirt and muted tie is appropriate? I have a few dress shirts already, will probably just wear white with the least-spread collar I have. But do y'all have a recommendation for a tie I can pick up?
7 Replies
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
I would probably go navy or deep green for most versatility in terms of future use.
Saucy Collin
Saucy CollinOP9mo ago
I have this tie, it's the darkest/most muted one i have would this with a charcoal suit, black oxfords/belt and white shirt be appropriate?
zeometer9mo ago
imo i'd get a plain black tie There's an element of tradition involved plus you'll have it available in the unfortunate event that you have to do this again. In a pinch, and if completely unable to buy or borrow a black tie in the next week, it would work. I would still encourage finding a black tie if possible.
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
For most funerals I've been to that tie would be absolutely fine. But you'll know the family and their expectations better.
Saucy Collin
Saucy CollinOP9mo ago
got it, thanks everyone
JimMD9mo ago
White shirt with whatever collar works best for the tie and knot you prefer. Regarding the tie, I’d definitely recommend a solid color and silk, as dark as you can get in whatever color you choose. Black is traditional, but you may never wear it apart from a funeral. A very dark blue is just as acceptable and is more versatile for other occasions. But that burgundy grenadine would be fine, too

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