WAF custom role override - subpath

Hi, sorry if this is stupid question but is it possible to have one exception path for custom rule .. kind of: /wp-admin/* to trigger managed chalange except if path is /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=* I created it like this on image .. but it does not work.. Can someone else help what am I doing wrong? Thaaanks! (http.request.uri.path contains "/wp-login.php") or (http.request.uri.path contains "/wp-admin/" and not http.request.uri.path contains "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=")
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2 Replies
Chaika9mo ago
The path doesn't contain the query string. To break down the fields, let's say you have an incoming request "htt­ps://www.example.org/articles/index?section=539061&expand=comments": http.request.full_uri (URI Full) -> "htt­ps://www.example.org/articles/index?section=539061&expand=comments" http.host (Hostname) -> "www.example.org" ssl (TLS/SSL) -> True (https) http.request.uri (URI) -> "/articles/index?section=539061&expand=comments" http.request.uri.path (URI Path) -> "/articles/index" http.request.uri.query (URI Query String) -> "section=539061&expand=comments" https://developers.cloudflare.com/ruleset-engine/rules-language/fields/ so you could do URI does not contain for the admin.ajax, would probably be the easiest
kpendicOP9mo ago
hey @Chaika thank you very much for reply,, but I've tried with what you suggested - URI field - but also didn't work. Maybe it can be an issue because this is fetch request - hxr/ajax request to server?

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