Cloudflare is not friendly to long domain names

The web is not friendly to long domain names · Issue #2 · ccbikai/l...
I registered a long domain name and created a subdomain loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.ooooooooo...
2 Replies
Flare9mo ago
To contact Cloudflare Support about an issue, please visit the Support Portal and fill in the form on the portal. After submission, you will receive confirmation over email. Some issues, such as Account or Billing related issues, cannot be solved by the community. Any plan level (including Free plans) can open tickets for Account, Billing or Registrar ticket categories. Make sure to select the correct category to ensure it goes to the right place. For more information on the methods by which you can contact Support for your plan level, see Contacting Cloudflare Support - Cloudflare Docs
Chaika9mo ago
well I know Let's Encrypt added something a bit back that was supposed to automatically fix that by changing it from the common name to just one of the SAN fields but yea, not surprising sounds like you were able to work around it for CF. I believe in the past that's what they've done manually (just adjusted CA)

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