Wake on lan
how do i configure WOL
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you can follow this wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Wake-on-LAN
probably follow 2.2.6 using nmcli as i know that is preinstalled...
13 Replies
like in windows you need to go to device manger or something
you can follow this wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Wake-on-LAN
probably follow 2.2.6 using nmcli as i know that is preinstalled
which cli tool can i use to sent it?
so that i dont have to reenter the mac adress every time
im not familiar enough with wol
you can probably ask in general
cause not really related to bazzite
w8 maybe im misunderstanding, do you mean sending wol to bazzite or from bazzite
to bazzite
from where are you sending the wol packet? another bazzite machine? windows? or something else?
debian server
what command do you use now to send wol?
none currrently
this then
is installed by default in bazzite at least and might be there on debian too
from an android phone i use "Wake On Lan" to send the wol packeti want to use ssh because im using tailsclae on server
ssh into the server and issue the ether-wake command
ssh user@host ether-wake 00:11:22:33:44:55
i believe that is the syntax when you use ssh and want to run a command