How best to persist function logs without an enterprise subscription

For me, having a way of querying past logs is a necessary requirement for any app I'm responsible for managing. Logpush is enterprise-only. So far the only way I can see of persisting logs is to roll my own logpush equivalent using tail workers and posting to some service like loggly. That's doable but seems a bit labour intensive, and involves relying on a "beta" product in production. Are there any other solutions I'm missing?
4 Replies
berniesumptionOP9mo ago
Answering my own question, in case someone finds this by search. "Users without an Enterprise plan can still access Workers Trace Events Logpush by subscribing to the Workers Paid plan." - so it seems possible (I haven't tried it) to send real time logs to e.g. datadog without an enterprise subscription. Also, there are sentry and baselime integrations available to Workers Paid subscribers. These are both currently Beta.
Chaika9mo ago
The issue with Workers Trace Events logpush is that it doesn't work for Pages at the moment
Chaika9mo ago
Baselime is free for everyone at the moment, they have some specific setup for Pages as well using their edge-logger:
Cloudflare Pages | Baselime - The cloud-native observability platform
Cloudflare Pages is a frontend app development platform.
Chaika9mo ago
They're stlil working on convergence and the logging story with Pages is pretty meh right now. Personally I use Baselime with otel-cf-workers, and Trace Events logpush into Axiom (generous free plan) for everything else. CF has acquired baselime so there's hope for better native solutions eventually

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