Redirect subdomain to another site
I own the domain ‘’.
I need your help by redirecting to
I’m a beginner and am not sure how to achieve this. I tried toying around with page redirects but I might be doing something wrong because it doesnt seem to work.
Thank you for submitting your information to Rodriguez Construction LLC.
17 Replies
I would be willing to cashapp someone 20$ for anyone who can help me with this issue ASAP
Do you control the first domain? The
Yea i do
It does not appear to be using Cloudflare so you can't use any Cloudflare product for it

i have this redirect set up
what do you mean? i host it here

Does the DNS record have an orange cloud on it? It needs to so the request can hit Cloudflare
It would be the
DNS record
it has a gray cloud
wait if i click this button to make it proxy i think it will become orange

I don't know if there a particular reason that you have it gray cloud but it has to be orange so the request can hit Cloudflare and then get redirected
okay yeah it is orange now

And it is redirecting
yo i appreciate you
if you could dm me your cashapp or something i got you for sure
I appreciate the offer but keep it or donate it to your local animal shelter
ay i for sure will, im a man of my word, thanks for the help man i really appreciate it a ton!