acceleration direction
The book says 37deg South of west but I'm getting the direction as north of west instead (see last image)

10 Replies
@Gyro Gearloose
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to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.Why are they taking the difference? Isn't it given that the velocity is towards north and west, so the resulting movement should be in between north and west?
you didn't reverse the intial velocity's direction
$$\vec{a}_{avg} = \frac{\Delta\vec{v}}{\Delta t}$$

So yeah the book is right,
its 37 degrees south of west
No, you don't know its trajectory
it can be any weird curve
but we only care about the intial and final to calculate the average
+ That's not how accn is defined
Thank you so much
So, the direction of acceleration isn't always the direction of the velocity?
Think about the qs you are asking
If what you are saying is true, I cannot stop my car from crashing into another one LOL
Oh yes
Sorry for the dumb question
+solved @Keshav
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