Build Failed: build exceeded memory limit and was terminated.
I tried the same by increasing --max-old-space-size=8192 but deployment continued to have the same error as stated.
|14:08:46.399|Success: Finished cloning repository files|
|14:18:58.679|Failed: build exceeded memory limit and was terminated|
Deployment id: 9aff3dcd-9f38-4002-93db-5020409e5a8b
node: 18.17
Would appreciate any help.
6 Replies
Don't cross-post :/
Anyone can help me in this??? It's quite urgent
Please do not post your question in multiple channels per the rules at #😃welcome-and-rules. It creates confusion for people trying to help you and doesn't get your issue or question solved any faster.
I've deleted the other messages
Anyone can help me in this??? It's quite urgent