Wolfi toolbox thread

Wolfi toolbox thread
49 Replies
j0rge4mo ago
Consider adding apk based Image like Wolfi or Alpine · Issue #1474 ...
Both seem to be common choices for containers and currently there is no official image, that uses apk as package manager. Of course this can be done using distrobox, but having a more officially su...
j0rge4mo ago
good news, upstream toolbx-images is willing to accept wolfi, IMO we should "move" our wolfi-base there and maintain it there. As luck would have it, timothee maintains the images repo, and I've maintained alpine's images there already cc @EyeCantCU @89luca89 https://github.com/toolbx-images/images repo and here's my alpine section https://github.com/toolbx-images/images/tree/main/alpine/edge https://github.com/toolbx-images/images/blob/main/.github/workflows/alpine.yaml and here's the workflow. It'd be a quick copy and rename job, I'll try to work on it tonight unless someone else gets to it first
M24mo ago
Our wolfi toolbox will now launch in toolbox, but there are two bugs. 1. User is not added to sudoers file. 2. Wolfi doesn't seem to have the xterm terminfo
EyeCantCU4mo ago
Happy to help out with this though availability today will be scarce. Got a nightmare of images thrown my way NeuVector has been... an experience lol
M24mo ago
1. Unsure how toolbox sets sudoers compared to distrobox. 2. The ncurses package simply doesn't have the terminfo. Distrobox mounts in host term info under /usr/local
j0rge4mo ago
My demo to ya'll is on Monday, and even if it's just "we intend to do this" it'll be enough just knowing that upstream would be receptive to wolfi at all is amazing. We build this, the sysext and a WSL image, and we'll have the Wolfi Subsystem for Linux.
EyeCantCU4mo ago
I saw! Can't wait. Definitely awesome that they're receptive. Let's definitely get all this built out. Lol, it'd be funny to call the repo for Wolfi SL WSL...
j0rge4mo ago
I am literally going to call it that WSL is the best undistro for WSL
89luca894mo ago
1- no problem now Wolfi has "real" sudo and works well with dbox (and I assume toolbx) 2- this can be a non-issue with dbox but it's an issue with toolbx btw I'm already using a wolfi container for some time now:
# Basic utilities for terminal use
additional_packages="gawk parallel perl netcat-openbsd bind-tools net-tools openssl rsync rclone tree curl wget"
# TUI Tools
additional_packages="jq tig tmux vim"
# Development packages
additional_packages="git kubectl kind"
additional_packages="gh clang-extras"
additional_packages="clang py3-codespell gcc shfmt nodejs npm yarn rust rust-analyzer go golangci-lint grype"
# Python
# Generic
init_hooks=ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/docker
init_hooks=ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
init_hooks=ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/flatpak
init_hooks=ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/podman
init_hooks=ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/xdg-open
init_hooks=GOPATH="/usr/local/share/system-go" GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo@latest
init_hooks=GOPATH="/usr/local/share/system-go" GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest
init_hooks=GOPATH="/usr/local/share/system-go" GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest
init_hooks=GOPATH="/usr/local/share/system-go" GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install mvdan.cc/gofumpt@latest
init_hooks=GOPATH="/usr/local/share/system-go" GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install sigs.k8s.io/kind@latest
init_hooks=pip3 install --break-system-packages python-language-server[all] yamllint
# Basic utilities for terminal use
additional_packages="gawk parallel perl netcat-openbsd bind-tools net-tools openssl rsync rclone tree curl wget"
# TUI Tools
additional_packages="jq tig tmux vim"
# Development packages
additional_packages="git kubectl kind"
additional_packages="gh clang-extras"
additional_packages="clang py3-codespell gcc shfmt nodejs npm yarn rust rust-analyzer go golangci-lint grype"
# Python
# Generic
init_hooks=ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/docker
init_hooks=ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
init_hooks=ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/flatpak
init_hooks=ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/podman
init_hooks=ln -sf /usr/bin/distrobox-host-exec /usr/local/bin/xdg-open
init_hooks=GOPATH="/usr/local/share/system-go" GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo@latest
init_hooks=GOPATH="/usr/local/share/system-go" GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest
init_hooks=GOPATH="/usr/local/share/system-go" GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest
init_hooks=GOPATH="/usr/local/share/system-go" GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install mvdan.cc/gofumpt@latest
init_hooks=GOPATH="/usr/local/share/system-go" GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install sigs.k8s.io/kind@latest
init_hooks=pip3 install --break-system-packages python-language-server[all] yamllint
there are some missing packages (mainly utilities like cpupower) and I'd like to NOT use go install (but these are plans for the future 😉 )
M24mo ago
Yepp real sudo is there. It looks like toolbox un comments the group wheel/sudo and doesn't do that for wolfi
j0rge4mo ago
do we think it's good enough as is to PR? I was thinking of getting it in there and then do some subsequent PRs, I found stuff that can be sliced out of ours to submit. We add things for like instant launch in distrobox that probably not go in this base image?
89luca894mo ago
yea toolbx acts on /etc/sudoers.conf while dbox does an augmenting conf in /etc/sudoers.conf.d
j0rge4mo ago
btw it takes me about 5 minutes every 6 months to maintain the alpine images, and that's only because they release versions, with wolfi it'd be really low mainteance, I can commit to that part
89luca894mo ago
instant launch is supported for sure, if we add the missing packages 👍
j0rge4mo ago
toolbox instant launches right?
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