Setting radial bg but the radial parts are stretching with the page height. Don't want that

I used this website to generate a background with little growing blobs on the edges but as I add content to the website the blobs get stretched. I want the glowing blobs to mainain their shape. Image 1 is how it was generated and image 2 is after I add content to the page.
.radial-bg {
background-size: 100% 100%;
0px 0px,
0px 0px,
0px 0px;
background-image: radial-gradient(100% 100% at 167% 103%,
#eff4f4ff 1%,
#073aff00 100%),
radial-gradient(75% 75% at -24% -22%, #af0712ff 0%, #000307ff 100%),
linear-gradient(261deg, #0e0e0eff 100%, #0e0e0eff 100%);
.radial-bg {
background-size: 100% 100%;
0px 0px,
0px 0px,
0px 0px;
background-image: radial-gradient(100% 100% at 167% 103%,
#eff4f4ff 1%,
#073aff00 100%),
radial-gradient(75% 75% at -24% -22%, #af0712ff 0%, #000307ff 100%),
linear-gradient(261deg, #0e0e0eff 100%, #0e0e0eff 100%);
You can check the 3rd image to see the aesthetic I'm going for.
Color Gradient - The best CSS gradient generator. - ColorGradient
Looking for a gradient generator? Color gradient is a CSS gradient generator that is capable of creating simple and more complex gradients.
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3 Replies
capt_uhu9mo ago
I only see 2 images attached to the post. So I'm not sure exactly what you're going for but I'm guessing that the default ellipse shape of radial-gradient might be causing your gradients to expand? Try something like radial-gradient(circle at top left, red, blue, green), Unless I'm missing it the generator you linked doesn't allow for this.
nookayiseeOP9mo ago
my bad. the 3rd image that i wanted to link was this. Notice the glowing blobs in the background. that's what i am trying to replicate.
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nookayiseeOP9mo ago
And I figured out that because the generator uses percentage, the blobs change with the height of the body. So I used svh and vw which fixed the issue (i think... still needs to test a bit more) background: radial-gradient( 899px circle at 50% -80svh, #d61c3d 0%, #16191d 100%);

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