Inequalities, Wavy Curve

in this, when i take 3 to the other side, how does it become ≤ 0
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28 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
iTeachChem Helper
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BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
PY10mo ago
konsa 0 vai?
iSoham10mo ago
wdym by take 0 other side ?
BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
sorry i meant taking 3 to the other side*
ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
😭 Listen When you take 3 to the other side of inequality It will be "old equations" -3 >= 0 Not the other way You changed the inequality
BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
exactly my doubt.
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ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
They removed negative from numerator
BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
what negative? ohk
ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
Lemme write it on paper
BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
no i got it but
ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
I forgot latex
BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
but then if i take -7x+12/3x-5 >= 0 then ans is [5/3, 12/7] right ah no nvm i made a mistake sorry i figured it out
ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
You dont use wavy curve when coefficient of x is neg anywhere You can but its better to remove negs
BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
wait im getting confused
ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
Sigh Wait
BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
yea so where did i make my mistake then
ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
You used wavy curve on the equation in which the coefficient of x in the numerator was negative, you have to make it positive by taking minus out of equation and sending it to the other side (reason why the sign of inequality changed after that) Try watching any yt video on wavy curve
BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH nvmmmm i understood now, i took denomiator as 0 (5/3,12/7] is the ans.
ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
Idrk if your answer is correct or not But I prefer to remove negs
BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
yea i understand now, this q is from yt only.
ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
Reduces chances of errors
BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
it is in yt. thxx ohk thanks man +solved @ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
It's a command
BroGotNoQuotesOP10mo ago
+solved @ᴘɪᴄᴄʜɪ | 🎧 🎶
iTeachChem Helper
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