mfad10mo ago

Belt for paperbag pants

Hi, I got some paperbag trousers, here https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1116800072093532191/1247240687573926010 but the belt seems to have been lost to time. I was wondering if it was worth looking for a contrasting fabric to use instead, and - if so - if you have anything in mind that you think might look good. Also, happy to hear any recommendations for more traditional belts, since I only have a crappy double sided plasticky one anyway. I was thinking an extra long braided belt or monitaly one could look cool. Finally, I'm planning on getting them hemmed, and I'm wondering if it's worth it to save the fabric.
7 Replies
heckle10mo ago
When I wear pants like this I use a hender scheme skinny belt like this https://zenmarket.jp/en/auction.aspx?itemCode=p1138351720 Budget ish option to consider. Mine is black but there are usually tons of options available
Auction page
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heckle10mo ago
Personally I kinda dislike self fabric belts so I’d say it’s not worth to go out of your way to try to make that happen
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Scott Fraser Collection
Silver metal chain link snake belt
NEW SILVER SNAKE BELT STOCK HAS ARRIVED Inspired by an essence of the 70/80s disco-era. These handmade slim belts (13mm wide) are made using a gold nickel-plated fine chain link, solid metal snake head with small green gems insets for eyes.  For adding an element of 'dress' to your outfit. Rock it with denim to elevate
From An unknown user
From An unknown user
From An unknown user
jibbaOP10mo ago
Thanks, that's a great idea. I've been on the hunt for a skinny belt anyway. Whew, that's so cool. I was going to say that the snake head seems a little loud for me, but I'm thinking about it..
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
Extra Long 3/4" Leather Belt with 3pc Silver Buckle Set - Black — M...
The Extra Long Leather Belt is carefully crafted by the Amish people using vegetable-tanned English bridle leather. The Amish are a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss Anabaptist origins. The Amish are known for simple living, no electricity, and reluctance to adopt many
jibbaOP10mo ago
For anyone else interested, SFC seems to do a fabric belt too https://scottfrasercollection.com/products/matching-fabric-tie-belt-option-new-fabric-options-available?_pos=14&_sid=e04e1c293&_ss=r Probably best only if you want to match your pants
zeometer10mo ago
braided belt would be cool with this, plus would transition to cooler weather worn with boots

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