19 Replies
how to activate this option?
It looks like you're trying to access a website via the CloudFlare IP which shouldnt be possible
Actually I would like to activate it for my site, what can I do?
Hello, what exactly you are trying to achieve?
So far you can take a look on this interesting links:https://community.cloudflare.com/search?context=topic&context_id=418835&q=1003&skip_context=true
What I'm trying to achieve is that when a person goes for example to: 89.45.589.589 it puts them
Direct IP protection access not allowed
Is something like this that you are looking for?? https://community.cloudflare.com/t/deny-direct-ip-access-on-browser/625649
is this connected with cloudflare?

Seems yes, if you keep scrolling on the message they show a SSL handshake
why don’t you just block off port 80 and 443 entirely with firewall rules (but whitelisting the Cloudflare IPs)? serves the same purpose but is more secure
Firewalld nftables CloudFlare IP Whitelisting
Firewalld nftables CloudFlare IP Whitelisting. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
If that is a thing, you would almost certainly need an Enterprise plan and Bring Your Own IP
What is the price ?
alternatively, you could add the ip to A record and proxy your website traffic via cloudflare. This will show your required page, if someone grabs the ip of the website via url.
Enterprise costs can begin from 1k / Month I guess and be more depends on your needs aka what the Sales team think you need
But idk if its really Monthly