Strange unix and/or user perms issue with command in dockerfile/replacement command
I have a bash script in my pod which, as part of its last command, executes mpirun with some target process. When running this command using bash <script> as the dockerfile's entrypoint, or using runpod's replacement command, the following issue occurs:
However, if I simply enter the container and run the exact same script (same command, bash <script>), it runs without issue. In both cases, I am acting as the root user
17 Replies
Hmm i think its not possible to modify this inside a container, needs the host to make those change
Maybe try other pods like on the community cloud
or make a support ticket to ask about that
btw if you use entrypoint it can be overriden by start command
What is start command? is it the CMD
Do you just not read the descriptions of problems?
"However, if I simply enter the container and run the exact same script (same command, bash <script>), it runs without issue"
Oh i didnt see that srry
Broken either using start command or Dockerfile cmd line
@ethan so from what I see the app tries to edit Open File Limit and that cant be edited unless you have provilaged docker container with cant be done in case of RunPod
But he said it can be done with ssh on the pod
It's not normal isn't it
remove entrypoint and run script instead
hmm how does that work? how to call the script then
ENTRYPOINT in dockerfile prevents using custom start command from runpod ui
Oh so you were saying to run the script from custom start command from the ui?
If docker has entrypoint anything to override startup comman is ignored
yeah i get that
so basically if docker has entrypoint pointing to run script and user tries to change startup command from runpod ui it would be ignored and still run entrypoint
ahh ok CMD
@ethan so you want to use CMD instead of entrypoint and see if it fixes error