Currently only 3 levels are supported for getting settings.

I am currently trying to add a new setting where someone who is managing the backend can select a certain amount of destinations that they want to show on the home page. However, the error I am getting is "Currently only 3 levels are supported for getting settings." - is there any specific reason this may occur? Using Twill3 - latest version.
Current route for destinations
8 Replies
StrifeOP9mo ago
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ifox9mo ago
Can you show me how you're retrieving the settings value?
StrifeOP9mo ago
Thanks for your time. Here you goo.
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StrifeOP9mo ago
Just wanted to check in, does anyone have any idea what could cause this issue?
ifox9mo ago
well you're passing 2 levels so I'm very confused why it would tell you you can't pass 3
StrifeOP9mo ago
That's what strange to me as well. I imagine it doesn't look at the amount of blades I have in that particular view folder. I did however try a folder with just one view blade in it.
ifox9mo ago
oh You're actually forgetting to pass the name of a field You need to pass 3 "levels" and you're only passing 2 site-settings.destinations.field-name
StrifeOP9mo ago
Ah, that was it lol. I missed that key detail. That helped! Thanks so much.

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