Anyone have any sites I could loan ideas from?

I have a rather simple looking site and I'm specifically looking for ideas for improving the most important page template (example: I'm not much of an UI designer so would like some inspiration but I can't think of other than that is even remotely this style. Specifically I think I would like to do something with the tags (the colored boxes) as well as the two buttons ("Palkinnot" means awards and "Linkit" I think you can figure out), having them behind a button doesn't make much sense plus I don't like what the short stories part ("Novellit") looks like. But I don't really know what I would like so looking for some other sites I could use for inspiration.
React App
Web site created using create-react-app
3 Replies
Irving Robles
Irving Robles9mo ago
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MakistosOP9mo ago
Wow, there's a few there.
AB9mo ago
moberise... some good ideas to play with to get a visual layout, then copy to clone using code.

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