Compare 2 similar designs
I have this 2 designs. Whic one is better? I tend to believe the first one is better because it has no aligment issues and has better contrasts in text hierarchy. Also it was made by me
1 Reply
I think the left one is better, but you could improve it a bit more by not double bolding for the supporting font. Heres an example with a bit of a different font pairing. I usually like to use one of those free ones to figure out a Google Font or something to help find a good pair.
I used the following but you can adjust sizes or w/e to your choice.
Montserrat - Bold - 4rem(64px) - Line Height 120% - Black or your darkest colour
Work Sans - Medium - 2rem - Line Height 150% - Darkest Color ( @ 0.8 opacity)
Work Sans - Medium - 1.5rem - Line Height 150% - Darkest colour for the CTA
h1 & support text has a gap of 1rem you could either do this via margins or flex box or however, the below example you'd have to apply distinct margins. But you could just wrap the h1 & p and then do the spacing that way.