relative motion doubt

an elevator whose floor to ceiling distance is 2.7m starts ascending with accn 1.2m/s^2. two sec after is starts a bolt begins to fall from the ceiling of the elevator. find the distance and displacement of bolt wrt ground
24 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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what did you try so far
hardcoreisdeadOP10mo ago
i got bolts freefall time as 0.7s then i figured at t=0 bolt is 2.7m above the ground at t=2 elevator floor is 2.4m above ground and bolt is 2.4+2.7m above the ground at t=2.7 bolt is 4.37 m above the ground
is that the complete question?
hardcoreisdeadOP10mo ago
first part was finding out time of free fall but i figured that out
Opt10mo ago
I'm assuming the displacement and distance are once the bolt hits the floor of the elevator?
hardcoreisdeadOP10mo ago
yep "the distance and displacement covered by bolt during the fall wrt ground"
Opt10mo ago
I got 1.65 m which is probably wrong
hardcoreisdeadOP10mo ago
displacement is 1.31 with g=9.8 , given in the book
Opt10mo ago
Ah I took 10 Nope I got it wrong
hardcoreisdeadOP10mo ago
anyone ???
Comrade Rock Astley
The bolt has an effective acceleration of 11m/s^2 with respect to the elevator use s=1/2 at^2 to find time In this time the bolt has travelled -2.7 metres downward with respect to the elevator find the distance travelled by the elevator in this time and add it
hardcoreisdeadOP10mo ago
can you help in reference to this so basically height of elevator floor from ground at t=2.7 i got this as 4.37
Comrade Rock Astley
No, the difference between the heights at t=2 and t=2.7
hardcoreisdeadOP10mo ago
that comes out to be 1.9m
Comrade Rock Astley
my bad, use s=vt-1/2gt^2 and then it's the same steps
hardcoreisdeadOP10mo ago
Can you please share a written solution
Comrade Rock Astley
First, we find the time taken
TeXit10mo ago
Comrade Rock Astley
No description
Comrade Rock Astley
u is 2.4 m/s a is the relative accleration of the ball wrt. the elevator You can find t here Find the distance travelled by the elevator in that time so basically this now this displacement is positive ball falling onto the elevator floor is negative displacement add with signs to get your total displacement If you're stuck anywhere you can refer to this solution too
Comrade Rock Astley
An elevator car whose floor to ceiling distance is equal to 2.7 m s...
An elevator car whose floor to ceiling distance is equal to 2.7 m starts ascending with constant acceleration 1.2 m / s 2 .2 s after the start, a bolt begins falling from the ceiling of the car. Find:a the bolt's free fall time;b the displacement and the distance covered by the bolt during the free fall in the reference frame fixed to the ground...
iTeachChem9mo ago
+solved @Comrade Rock Astley
iTeachChem Helper
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