RunPod2mo ago

GGUF in serverless vLLM

How do I run a GGUF quantized model? I need to run this LLM: https://huggingface.co/mradermacher/OpenBioLLM-Llama3-70B-GGUF What parameters should I specify? Thank you
49 Replies
digigoblin2mo ago
You will have to create your own serverless handler for it, because the vllm worker does not support GGUF due to the underlying vllm engine not supporting GGUF.
Armyk2mo ago
Such a shame that it doesn't. Can I run Ollama in serverless?
digigoblin2mo ago
You can run whatever you want in serverless as long as you implement the RunPod serverless handler
nerdylive2mo ago
Is there any template that supports it? if yes -> it can and use it if not, it still can but make your own template
Armyk2mo ago
By templates, do you mean the very limited ones from "quick deploy", or any template that can be run in a normal pod like on the screenshot? I can't input the ollama/ollama template on the serverless deployment
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digigoblin2mo ago
You can't use pod templates in serverless, they don't work the same way, you need to invoke the serverless handler for serverless as I mentioned above.
Armyk2mo ago
Where can I browse community templates for serverless? There has to be someone that already did this
digigoblin2mo ago
Not sure why you asking this, serverless templates aren't shared publicly like pod ones. The only serverless template available is the vllm one that RunPod created. You can't. @nerdylive must have been confused.
Armyk2mo ago
https://discord.com/channels/912829806415085598/1221249312495898675 I found this thread. I will probably need to configure it myself. Thank you for your help.
nerdylive2mo ago
yep there are no place for sharing community templates for serverless yet on the site
digigoblin2mo ago
@Papa Madiator has this list of Open Source things tho: https://github.com/kodxana/Awesome-RunPod
GitHub - kodxana/Awesome-RunPod: A curated list of amazing RunPod p...
A curated list of amazing RunPod projects, libraries, and resources - kodxana/Awesome-RunPod
Madiator20112mo ago
I made template with open web ui
digigoblin2mo ago
For pod tho, not serverless isn't it? he is looking for serverless solution.
Madiator20112mo ago
PatrickR2mo ago
Run an Ollama Server on a RunPod CPU | RunPod Documentation
Learn to set up and run an Ollama server on RunPod CPU for inference with this step-by-step tutorial.
Armyk2mo ago
Cpu inference isn't good enough but thank you
PatrickR2mo ago
@Armyk If you follow that guide, but just select GPU, you’ll get the same results.
Alpay Ariyak
Alpay Ariyak2mo ago
[Core] Support loading GGUF model by Isotr0py · Pull Request #5191 ...
FILL IN THE PR DESCRIPTION HERE Related issue: #1002 Features: This PR adds support for loading GGUF format model This PR will also add gguf to requirements. Currently, only llama is modified for ...
Alpay Ariyak
Alpay Ariyak2mo ago
Seems vLLM will have GGUF support soon!
guestavius3w ago
I just created an account today and am looking at the serverless vLLM quick deploy settings. If GGUF isn't supported, what's this thing? I don't see a bpw / quant level setting.
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digigoblin3w ago
VLLM engine does not support GGUF, see the messages above.
guestavius3w ago
I'm asking what that drop menu do.
digigoblin3w ago
It does what it says, select quantization type Its not quant level, its quant TYPE
digigoblin3w ago
GitHub - runpod-workers/worker-vllm: The RunPod worker template for...
The RunPod worker template for serving our large language model endpoints. Powered by vLLM. - runpod-workers/worker-vllm
guestavius3w ago
[redacted] I'm hoping not to need 360GB of VRAM to run an 8x22B. Edit: Oh wait, that just means I can point a name/model-AWQ-or-GPTQ repository to serverless.
guestavius3w ago
>two looks like I wouldn't be able to run it anyway Edit: I'll have to quantize this obscure model...
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digigoblin3w ago
Which model? Many models are already available as quantized versions
guestavius3w ago
https://huggingface.co/gghfez/WizardLM-2-8x22B-Beige This one caught my interest. No idea if it's good though.
digigoblin3w ago
I see there is EXL2 quantized versions but vllm doesn't support EXL2 quant type Aphrodite Engine and TabbyAPI both support EXL2 tho.
Charixfox3w ago
Until vLLM supports more quant formats, you'll have to have an AWQ, SqueezeLLM, or GPTQ quant of the model. I used a Jupyter pod to make an AWQ of the model I wanted. Or if Aphrodite-Engine ever works on serverless, that will be an option too.
guestavius3w ago
I ended up using KoboldCpp's runpod template for gguf, lol. And sharing with some people to spend less time idling. (I'm being an idiot, yes.)
Charixfox3w ago
If all else fails, just run the numbers to see if serverless will be better for your use cases. There's an amount of active time where pods become more cost efficient. On last gen 48GB for example, it's 40% active runtime (Actively processing requests)
houmie3w ago
GGUF is a format for offline use on your own computer. It's not meant to be for servers really. Use AWQ or GPTQ untill ex2 is supported on vLLM.
digigoblin3w ago
GGUF supports both CPU and GPU not just CPU
houmie3w ago
Yeah and It's not the fastest though.
digigoblin3w ago
EXL2 is fastest.
houmie2w ago
Yeah I just hope vLLM would one day support EXL2. It would open up so many new opportunities.
digigoblin2w ago
aphrodite engine supports it
houmie2w ago
Yes, but aphrodite runs only on classic Pods and it's very expensive to run. 🙂 This is why I love serverless, it's cheap to begin with (but gets 3 x more expensive if you have constant traffic). Serverless is great to start a project with minimal traffic, only if the project is a success and can generate money, then it's worth it to switch to a classic pod with aphrodite.
digigoblin2w ago
You can port aphrodite to serverless too
houmie2w ago
But it will be experimental right? I don't think it's that easy and I'm so busy as it is with coding. 🙂
nerdylive2w ago
What's experimental
digigoblin2w ago
He is probably referring to aphrodite-engine. Its not experimental, TabbyAPI is: "TabbyAPI is a hobby project solely for a small amount of users. It is not meant to run on production servers. For that, please look at other backends that support those workloads."
houmie2w ago
No, I mean right now I can create an vLLM serverless directly from run pod dashboard. The same isn’t true about Aphrodite as serverless Hence I assume the latter is experimental.
Charixfox2w ago
As in, there is no turnkey solution or "Just Type This" solution to deploying Aphrodite Engine on serverless.
nerdylive2w ago
Ohhh ya, There's no quick deploy for it yet, but vllm is also considerably not really production ready for big models, has some bugs too
Charixfox2w ago
True enough. I guess can we really say that any FOSS solution is 'production ready' right now?
nerdylive2w ago
im not sure if vllm is but on runpod's quick deploy it still has some bugs Oh some of t hem fixed yay : https://github.com/runpod-workers/worker-vllm/issues/29
Errors cause the instance to run indefinitely · Issue #29 · runpod-...
Any errors caused by the payload cause the instance to hang in an error state indefinitely. You have to manually terminate the instance or you'll rack up a hefty bill should you have several ru...
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