00:50:26.655 Failed: an internal error occurred. If this continues, contact support: https://cfl.re/3WgEyrH
00:50:26.655 Error: Failed to publish assets. For support, join our Discord (https://discord.gg/cloudflaredev) or create a ticket and reference the deployment ID: 42a7f83f-10be-4895-ae6f-3ca0a6350e70
00:50:20.193 Validating asset output directory
00:50:26.655 Failed: an internal error occurred. If this continues, contact support: https://cfl.re/3WgEyrH
00:50:26.655 Error: Failed to publish assets. For support, join our Discord (https://discord.gg/cloudflaredev) or create a ticket and reference the deployment ID: 42a7f83f-10be-4895-ae6f-3ca0a6350e70