RunPod10mo ago

Container Files Missing in Workspace On Pod Launch

When launching pods (a40) on both community and server cloud, using a custom image that populates /workspace as a volume, the expected files and directories don't show up. This worked as of last Friday, and the image has not changes on its github container repo. There is more than enough space on both the network and disk volumes to contain these files
13 Replies
ethanOP10mo ago
Update: tried with an A6000 and it worked. Would still prefer an a40 though
nerdylive10mo ago
A simplified chat about me asking why my template doesnt work
A: why my template doesnt works on secure cloud
> .... context about my image: A: my template makes file on folder /workspace lol
B: it's cause on secure cloud the /workspace might be overwritten
A: overwritten with empty link?

B: though network storage and volume overwrittes it, thats why we now need to sync app files to /workspace

A: Hmm alright thanks
A: why my template doesnt works on secure cloud
> .... context about my image: A: my template makes file on folder /workspace lol
B: it's cause on secure cloud the /workspace might be overwritten
A: overwritten with empty link?

B: though network storage and volume overwrittes it, thats why we now need to sync app files to /workspace

A: Hmm alright thanks
ethanOP10mo ago
Did you see the "on both community and server cloud" and the "tried with an A6000 and it worked" part? Indicates a hardware-related issue
digigoblin10mo ago
@nerdylive is right, this kind of thing can happen randomly if you are using /workspace in your docker image, doubtful that its a hardware issue.
Madiator201110mo ago
on secure cloud /workspace is being overwritten
nerdylive10mo ago
Oh lol i thought i replied here again its not here
ethanOP10mo ago
@digigoblin Attributing the issue to happening "randomly" isn't really a good solution to the problem, now is it? And if I change hardware and nothing else, and the issue no longer happens, doesn't that seem like the selection of hardware is related to the issue? @Papa Madiator thanks. Community?
nerdylive10mo ago
On community last time I tried it works because the workspace isn't overwritten So what you have to do is move your files somewhere
ethanOP10mo ago
I'm just gonna block you, lol. Obviously that's the case. But I'm talking about the A6000 vs. a40 thing, which you still haven't realized
nerdylive10mo ago
on some machines it is overwritten*. right, no offense taken more likely a software issue on the host or running container which mounts it im recommending you to move your files somewhere else than the path which the network volume will be mounted (/workspace), n sync them instead to the network volume ( if you use any ) but if you feel like its a hardware issue, make a support ticket with your pod id
Madiator201110mo ago
@ethan its not randomly on secure cloud the volume storage is being replicated so thats why location you mount volume to is being empty as it's has higher priority. On community cloud there is no replication and storage is mounted to local machine.
ethanOP10mo ago
@Madiator2011 Did you see the "on both community and server cloud" and the "tried with an A6000 and it worked" part? There's clearly something else going on here
Madiator201110mo ago
I would need to know what type of image and how it's build.

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