I have a problems
Hello. I have a problem and I can't see the unpaid invoices in the account. I opened a ticket but I did not receive an answer at all. The number of my ticket is: #3270835. Thank you.
14 Replies
How Long you're waiting already?
1 week ago I opened a ticket and did not receive any answer today.
Is it a 0$ invoice?
I can't see the invoices unpaid. I want to see them to be able to pay them. Because when I want to add a new field to your account tells me that: "You cannot add or modify subscriptions or services until all invoices are paid. Download each "Unpaid" invoice on your Billing page and click the "Pay online" link within each invoice to fix your account (Code: 1323)"
And I do not see any unpaid invoice in the account. And I clicked all the tabs and I see nothing unpaid. Only when I want to add a web domain to the account tells me the above message.
@Cloudflare (Server Owner)
What you can do is try to get it via the API or ask to pay it manually
But I don't think so that CF billings will allow it but prob. it works
Ok! But nothing answered me today.
I specified in the support ticket that I want to pay but nobody answered me.
I've just passed this to the billing team
Recently on every site cloudflare provides bot verification for I have been unable to verify my humanity leaving me unable to access these sites

even your official site has me blocked

@Cloudflare (Server Owner) Pls help
Hey. I don't think this is related to this issue. Please ask about this in #🤖turnstile, describing your issue with as much details as possible
alright. ive done that