27 Replies
Releases · ModOrganizer2/modorganizer
Mod manager for various PC games. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ewUVAqyrQX if you would like to be more involved - ModOrganizer2/modo...
Get the installer.exe from gere
You here?
sorry I was afk
okay so what next
Yeah I usually use stable
Open steam and press the plus sign to add a non steam game.
if you write the instructions I'll do this tomorrow later
it's really late here apologies
Same it's 1:36 here
try +5 hrs
I just want to guide you through this because it's been a while since I did this
alright lemme get on my pc
who needs a working sleep schedule
Also I need you to go to
and have the folder on the side lolokay
Tell me when you got it ready.
what do i do w mod organizer
Did you add it to steam?

Yup. Press the cog on the right and enable force compatibility
Use the latest proton version you have and it when you launch it you should see the installee
Tell me if you do

@hiatus(Touching Grass) I went to go make myself some food sorry
pls gimme like 5 mins
It's find
I added it though
Do you see the screen in the image I sent?
not at pc rn
can you just write the steps to follow in order
I'll do.it when I wake.up sorry that way I can guide you if you're at your PC in 10 hours
that's fine no worries