Legion go stucked on boot

Hello, Last time i used my lego with bazzite was last week. Everything worked fine. It was just laying around at a save space so nothing can happen to it. Now i wanted to boot it play with it but it seems to be stucked. It is already 10 minutes stucked in the Legion boot splash with the bazzite logo. I attach pictures in the next post
So how i solved it. After i buyed my legion go i swapped the nvme and used the 1 tb one from my steam deck. But the steam deck nvme is smaller
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59 Replies
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
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Blacky25OP•10mo ago
When i press escape on the keyboard this is the current log i cant see anything weird tbh :/ Current version is 39.20240419.0 and using the version before ostree1 that is version 39.20240406.0 is the same result like in the picture
wolfyreload•10mo ago
see if you can plug in a keyboard and get into a TTY session with CTRL+ALT+F2 If you can you might be able to boot into desktop mode to investigate further
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
Thank you for your answer, ctrl alt f2 does nothing. keyboard is def. working because ctrl alt and f4 is working last week i used the lego daily in the nightshift to play with my coworkers on it with a beamer. it wasn't connected to the internet the whole time so it didn't do any updates the last time i used it To be sure i also recreated the same setup i used last at work with beamer etc. and still the same :/ Removed the micro sd and the controllers and changed the adapter for the keyboard, tested again both entries from the grub bootloader and i got the same result again... 😦 Anything else i can do?
wolfyreload•10mo ago
I created a video for the blank screen booting issue but it might help you get into the terminal and hopefully into desktop mode for further troubleshooting/fixes. https://youtu.be/gE1ff72g2Gk Also if we can get you into desktop you might be able to update and hopefully it will fix the issue
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
Thank you currently following your video and changed the grub command list to add the 3 like in your video. Do you remember how long it stays at the "Booting a command list" after pressing f10?
wolfyreload•10mo ago
it was almost immediate for me
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
im stucked at for about 10 minutes now
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
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Blacky25OP•10mo ago
i did the same now with the ostree 1 entry and now i get this
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
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Blacky25OP•10mo ago
hope you can read :/
wolfyreload•10mo ago
Yup googling "Failed to start systemd-udev-settle.service" I'm not finding anything helpful on that
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
i googled too found this https://www.suse.com/de-de/support/kb/doc/?id=000019139 i wanted to try it but i don't know how to do this symbol = in grub because i have a german keyboard and it is using another layout#
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
tried already shift and everynumber etc okay found the = symbol trying it now
wolfyreload•10mo ago
Was it this one
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wolfyreload•10mo ago
Hope you manage to get in
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
i think so i didn't remembered it just know one of the last on the top with shift using your start command with the added 3 and the added rd.udev.event-timeout=300 looks like it is just booting like no custom command. when i used your command only i don't have the legion splash and the bazzite logo combined and with the command it is combined again, i hope you get what i mean using the commands results in the same like the default boot
wolfyreload•10mo ago
it's so strange though it was working 100% now suddenly not booting up and no updates were done
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
exacty what i thought both versions are really old on my device, i didn't updated it that often (we can discuss if it is smart or not xD) a time ago i extra used an old version because there was the bug with spinning fans in sleep mode but then updated it after the bug was fixed and then likely never touched it
wolfyreload•10mo ago
Is secure boot on or off? sometimes that can affect booting
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
technically i can reinstall it but i have so many custom controller configuration for every emulator it is a ton of work xD secure boot is on i used the install instruction somewhere for that
wolfyreload•10mo ago
Maybe try turn that off and see if it makes a difference
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
trying it and it would be great to know what is causing that to prevent that in future of course 🙂
wolfyreload•10mo ago
yeah re-install is a last resort If you do need to reinstall it might make sense to boot a live distro and copy everything from your home folder then you can salvage your configs at least
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
that is a really good idea, didn´t thought about it
wolfyreload•10mo ago
When you copy the files just make sure that you enable hidden folders with CTRL+H so you get all the config files too
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
okay thank you for the tip i tried it with secure boot disabled in these variants normal boot stucked at the same like the opening post ostree 0 with the 3 option in grub doesn't work too ostree 1 with the 3 option in grub doesn't work too
wolfyreload•10mo ago
Lets try ostree 1 and just leave it 10 minutes and see what happens
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
with or without the 3 option
wolfyreload•10mo ago
without the 3 option
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
okay 10 minutes for now 🙂
wolfyreload•10mo ago
I'm thinking that ostree 0 was a bad update and ostree 1 actually works. It's a long shot but I'm hopeful
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
i hope so too is it normal that this always happen at boot (moment sending picture)
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
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Blacky25OP•10mo ago
wolfyreload•10mo ago
thats doing a filesystem check probably from all the rebooting, that's expected.
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
okay that is always running for about 3 minutes it is done now with checking now it is at this screen
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
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Blacky25OP•10mo ago
like in first post but i just don't understand why it says everywhere okay and still nothing happen but i will wait longer now 🙂
wolfyreload•10mo ago
Would be nice to see an error there. Agreed, something to work with
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
but sometimes even an error doesn't help, did you ever googled something and found a few reddit or forum post 10 years ago with the exact same problem and no replys? that is always annoying xD
wolfyreload•10mo ago
All. The. Time. 😂 . And it has a just a bunch of other people saying that they had the same error....
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
and on another post the author answered it with "i solved it" and then disappears forever without telling how it got solved xD the 10 minuted from booting are over in 5 more minutes the filesystem check and the last logged text is 10 minutes old too
wolfyreload•10mo ago
Sadly... looks like you going to be re-installing 😿 . Don't forget to backup your home folder for those controller configs
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
looks like i have no other choice do you have experience with emudeck to ask you something in privat chat?
wolfyreload•10mo ago
Never used emudeck before sorry
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
okay no problem 🙂 Can you recommend me a live distro? Used linux mint because i already have a iso from my last install here but it seems to be stucked Maybe because the small screen and orientation?
wolfyreload•10mo ago
Linux mint is what I would have recommended
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
I create a second stick with bazzite and test if it will boot maybe im complete f up Linux mint booted on another try but it only shows me my micro sd. If i remember correctly it will always show all available deviced so did i really got f up and my nvme is trash?
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
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Blacky25OP•10mo ago
I think you can mark that as solved and as a massive user error
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
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Blacky25•10mo ago
So how i solved it. After i buyed my legion go i swapped the nvme and used the 1 tb one from my steam deck. But the steam deck nvme is smaller
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
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Blacky25OP•10mo ago
I just fixed it with the tape that was on the old lego nvme that was bigger but because i was moving that thing so often between work and home it looses itself But how unlucky can i be? Why was it in that position that the bios detected the drive to boot from it but not enough to boot fully into bazzite?😂
wolfyreload•10mo ago
lol so no reinstall needed? the nvme wasn't plugged in properly? Glad you figured that out 🙂
Blacky25OP•10mo ago
yes it was the nvme because i didn't buyed one in the larger size or an adapter to get it placed with a screw xD but it would be easier if it didn't booted at all then i would open my lego maybe 3 hours earlier already xD do you know if i can update to the latest version or is this bug still present https://discord.com/channels/1072614816579063828/1240276912966991903/1240276912966991903 And of course a huge thank you for helping me the last 3 hours 🙂
wolfyreload•10mo ago
Only you can mark it as solved. I don't have permission to No problem :). Glad that you sorted it out and thanks for posting the solution.

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