height: 100% not working on Android WebView

Company I'm working at has plans to implement web features in our native applications. Everything works fine out of the box for iOS, but on Android height: 100% (or 100vh) property applied to <html> tag does not appear to work and nothing is rendered. Fixed values seem to work just fine but aren't suitable for such a wide range of device screen sizes. Looking for any useful resources or information regarding this issue. I'm starting to lose hope, asking here as a last resort.
5 Replies
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson10mo ago
A URL or Codepen (or similar) would be useful. Have you also applied the height to the body?
Kim Jong
Kim JongOP10mo ago
Unfortunately I can't share an url as it's proprietary info. Yes, I have applied height to every element in an attempt to find the solution.
stillmorris10mo ago
Hi @Kim Jong. Maybe you can try using svh instead of vh . That happens because of Chrome behavior in mobile devices. Kevin explain this in this video: https://youtu.be/veEqYQlfNx8?t=191. Hope this can help you understand and fix your problem.
Kevin Powell
The problems with viewport units
Conquering Responsive Layouts (free course): https://courses.kevinpowell.co/conquering-responsive-layouts Join the Discord: https://kevinpowell.co/discord Viewport units often feel like this cheat code that makes things so much easier when you first discover them, but they actually are problematic for a number of reasons, from creating horizon...
clevermissfox10mo ago
i thought 100vh still worked, but using svh or dvh also accounted for the url bar? OPs height declaration of 100vh should still work. body { min-height: 100vh; } el { height: 100vh; height: 100svh; }
stillmorris10mo ago
Yup. That's correct. The svh and dvh units include the url bar. Using the vh unit it gets the entire navigator height with bars. Remember this only happens in some browsers for mobile devices.

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