Failed to return job results
Does any brother know what this mistake is? Failed to return job results. | 400, message='Bad Request', url=URL(' Stream=false
9 Replies
Actually maybe its a problem with the size of the input payload or big output data
@swift How big is your input and output payload ?
One should be about ten minutes or so to video size
I mean the size in Kb, Mb
I found that when I was running, the code that didn't go to the handler reported the error
the code that didn't go to the handler? what is that
These two lines of code are in, but the first line of code is not even logged out.'Start initialization')
runpod.serverless.start({"handler": handler})😫
use print instead?
Logs are dropped if they are too verbose so doesn't matter if you use the logger or print, the effect is the same