Installer quits with this message
Hello, I'm trying to install the latest version of Bazzite to my secondary computer using a USB drive, but this comes up when I try to install it. I'm using automatic partitioning. My specs are as follows:
Ryzen 5 1600
16gb RAM
Asrock AB350m Pro4 motherboard
1tb Kingston NV2 NVME
Nivida GTX 980
Is there any way to get past this?
2 Replies
If you installed Bazzite in the past and you are re-installing it (or if you installed Nobara or Fedora before), sometimes the fedora folder in the EFI partition makes the re-install fail
If you using a seperate disk then it's easy just delete all partitions when you re-install.
If you dualbooting, then boot with a live distro and nuke that fedora folder in your efi partition you should be good, for the install
I wound up rebasing from fedora, but thanks!