24 Replies
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Does this help?
Wait isn't there a misprint
Where is ch2oh
Well done
Thank you sir!
I mean ik how to draw it from the dash and wedge diagram... but from what i read in fischer prjectn horizontal lines are wedges and vertical lines are dashes.
And in the dash and wedge diagram OH on C2 is wedge and OH on C3 is dash, which is where im getting confused like how are they both on the same side
na its diff for the first carbon. sec
Oh ye I dint see it , got it
Chemistry LibreTexts
Fischer Projection
A Fischer projection or Fischer projection formula is a convention used to depict a stereoformula in two dimension without destroying the stereochemical information, i.e., absolute configuration, at …
So does the first C do horizontal - wedge, vertical - dash and the second C do the opposite?
I did refer to this, but the example they gave only has 1 C, so i assumed its gonna be the same for all C atoms
Transcription requested by Gamertug
The line diagram, the vertex of the line, vertex bolte na, kya bolte na, line ka vertex nahi hota hai, whatever, but where the line bends, vertex hi hai, that's the CH2, right next to the OH, bottom right.
This is what i thought happens... All the wedged subs on one side while the dashed subs on the other

I referred to a teacher and they said it is a misprint in the answers 😅 both of them are not the same compunds
Og qn:
They gave these 4 cmps and asked us to relate with the biomolecule

4th one is exactly similar to the biomolecule
Yea this is right
fact hai bro 😎
Okayyy got it... thank you so much for the help sir
+solved @gwenchana
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