DNS Resolution Error

Good morning lovely people. To preface, my knowledge and usage of Cloudflare is strictly related to domains and DNS. When I woke up this morning, for Reasons Unknown, one of my subdomains is mysteriously resolving to the wrong IP address(es) * Cloudflare itself is controlling DNS for my domains. Everything online looks correct. As it should, because nothing has been changed recently. * The subdomain resolves incorrectly for both myself, and my coworkers 3000 miles away, all on different devices, time zones, and networks. * It resolves incorrectly when I lookup via,, and even a non-Cloudflare DNS provider like DNSWatch * I do not recognize the incorrect IP addresses being returned by DNS lookup. * I do not have support with Cloudflare, so I'm unable to report this to them directly, or make official inquiries. I have not seen a DNS resolution error like this in a very, very long time. The only course of action I can think of is to alter my A records in Cloudflare to another IP, then back again to the real IP, and just hope the changes "stick" and fix the issue. But before I did that (potentially destroying evidence of the bug), I thought I'd ask you all "Hey, what's up with this?" Thanks in advance.
16 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
Are you using Proxy Mode on the DNS record?
RecallOP10mo ago
Apparently, yes. 🤦‍♂️ Do you happen to know an article that clearly explains the Proxy Mode? I've read the online docs before, but I'm still not clear on that.
Hello, I’m Allie!
Which part? The proxy is basically the entirety of Cloudflare, so it might help if I know what is happening. If you open the (sub)domain in your browser/curl/tool of choice, does it return the wrong thing?
RecallOP10mo ago
So just opening a simple terminal, and typing either of these:
ping foo.bar.com
ping foo.bar.com
dig foo.bar.com
dig foo.bar.com
Both returned the wrong IP address.
Hello, I’m Allie!
But does it return the wrong content if you curl? About the fact that it is returning the wrong IP, you aren't guaranteed any specific IPs with the proxy
RecallOP10mo ago
Hmm, you've lost me there. To provide some more context, there's no HTTP or web servers involved in this. I suspect I just need to disable the Proxy Mode, by default.
Hello, I’m Allie!
What is the IP serving for your domain?
RecallOP10mo ago
Not sure I understand that question.
Hello, I’m Allie!
If I were to connect to foo.bar.com, what would I be doing? Playing Minecraft? Connecting via SSH?
RecallOP10mo ago
Hello, I’m Allie!
Then yeah, just disable the Proxy, and it should be fine
RecallOP10mo ago
Is the Proxy just pointless for non-HTTP things? I've never understood what it's purpose is.
Hello, I’m Allie!
Not quite? You can get the proxy to proxy anything, but non-HTTP(S)/WS(S) traffic is a paid feature
RecallOP10mo ago
Oh, interesting! Thanks very much for your help. I'm going to do some research about the paid feature you mentioned. I didn't realize that was required to Proxy non-HTTP(S) traffic.
Hello, I’m Allie!
Here's the product that can do TCP/UDP Proxying: https://developers.cloudflare.com/spectrum/
Cloudflare Docs
Cloudflare Spectrum · Cloudflare Spectrum docs
Spectrum allows you to route MQTT, email, file transfer, version control, games, and more over TCP or UDP through Cloudflare to mask the origin and …
RecallOP10mo ago
Thanks so much! 🙂

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