Is it possible to make a Discord Bot with Worker
Ollo :Wave: smart people of Cloudflare.
So, I'm a very new to this. But when I learned about Cloudflare's Worker service (PYTHON). The first thing that popped into my head was
I need to make a Discord Bot using thisMy idea isn't to make a complex bot. But a simple slash command based bot for anonymous confession. Now, I made this in
, so I know this is possible.
But, I been failing to do this with the worker services.
So I just wanna know is this even possible?4 Replies
I know you can with a Type/JavaScript Worker, but I'm not sure how easy/feasible it would be with #🐍python-workers
Hmm, I do know a little JS.
But it worst then my knowledge of Python :bibicat:
Where do you think I can learn more about this?
Using JS/TS for Worker
Maybe ? Or any of the other tutorials/examples on the docs
Cloudflare Docs
Get started guide · Cloudflare Workers docs
Set up and deploy your first Worker with Wrangler, the Cloudflare Developer Platform CLI.
Hmm, I shall read it.
Thanks alot :heart_spin_blue: