> Is there any issue with this approach
Is there any issue with this approach? I want to try it out and am getting CNAME Cross-User Banned when I load the domain the customer uses.CF Pages uses CF for SaaS under the hood, which basically has an allowlist of all the accepted host headers/subdomains allowed to use it. It's seeing
and saying "hey that's not on our list", and it would only allow it as a Verified Custom Domain if it was pointing direct
Your options basically are:
1. Use CF Pages Custom Domains up to the limit: https://developers.cloudflare.com/pages/platform/limits/ (depending on plan), have customers cname to pages.dev
2. Use Cf for SaaS, but in order to do that you'd need to have a Worker in the middle and pay for each request as an invocation. Snippets (Workers with more limits, limited to Pro, but no per request costs) may help with this but they're in Alpha/not recommended for production and still rolling out4 Replies
can you link docs for #2 please?
for using cf for saas with a worker proxy? or what, exactly?
Cloudflare Docs
Workers as your fallback origin · Cloudflare for Platforms docs
Learn how to use a Worker as the fallback origin for your SaaS zone.
cloudflare workers that send the user to cloudflare pages I think
just a really simple worker like this will do:
of course you'd need more complex routing if you have more then one pages project. You could store the list somewhere else, or have them point at your domain on a subdomain with the same name as the pages project, etc