Universal Blue•10mo ago

Opening Handheld Daemon on a GPD Win 4 (2023)

Hi! This might sound like a dumb question, but I have a GPD Win 4, which doesn't have a secondary menu button. I haven't found a way to open the Handheld Daemon overlay, as it tells me that I need to press the secondary menu button twice to open it, but I don't have that button. I tried pressing the main menu (XBox) button twice, pressing XBox + A twice, but nothing works. For now, I've resorted to using the Handheld Daemon plugin so I can change my TDP. I didn't find much documentation on this subject, so I'm asking here.
40 Replies
antheas•10mo ago
follow the instructions in the hhd readme to remap the buttons. By default its R5 but it needs to be set on what the readme says @nickname
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
why am i pinged what and where am i writing
antheas•10mo ago
perhaps this is on me
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
antheas•10mo ago
but does the readme cover gpd and their weird button situation the handheld wiki
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
Bazz readme? No but i think the handheld wiki does i gotta check hold on on mobile at work so it might beva bit Btw docs have a .desktop on latest build
antheas•10mo ago
thats nice
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
I have no idea what is their buttob situation ik the ally can't hold
antheas•10mo ago
the gpd cant double press
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
ok ill write this down and check later but i think i did?
antheas•10mo ago
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
antheas and not using discourse
BSoDOP•10mo ago
ok, I think the QAM button is not working because of this
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
iconic combo what the hell
antheas•10mo ago
you dont also you dont mention hhd-decky or anything about hhd in the readme. Some devices work fully by default but dunno
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
Antheas while youre here hikari has a go now
antheas•10mo ago
yeah i saw
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
finally another bazzite contributor with a handheld nope removed decky mentions only put that command for devices that arent supprted
antheas•10mo ago
yeah but you dont mention the overlay
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
The whoami service no i dont i guess that's important
antheas•10mo ago
so how are people are gonna know how to tweak the controlelr settings
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
i thought steam handled it very out of the loop on handhelds I'll add that too
antheas•10mo ago
the other ones like xbox or dualsense
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
Give me keybinds in contributor chat ill edit it later
BSoDOP•10mo ago
ok, I managed to fix this by using another Decky plugin called GPD-WinControl to reset the bindings of the back buttons
antheas•10mo ago
its double pressing qam for all of them, other than gpd which is hold indeed that works too
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
Ohhhhh i wrote thar
antheas•10mo ago
readme was written before that tool
tryhardsoccermomswag•10mo ago
On a different doc steam gaming mode overview doc has that I'll fix that One day ill own a handheld to see how bazzite is outside of desktops Honestly our emblems should be switched antheas at this point lol i should have the orange one
BSoDOP•10mo ago
of all the linux distros I tried on the GPD Win 4, bazzite is the one that worked the best for me :) I had strange issues or plain broken features on other distros I tried
StoneGuard•7mo ago
Hello! Sorry to Necro a thread, but I am having no luck. My apologies, I am a COMPLETE n00b when it comes to all things linux, but I thought dual booting bazzite on my Win Mini might be a good way to dip my toe in and start moving away from windows. I am SO new though that I don't even know how to GET to the button mapping to map the buttons as described in the guide. I've searched through the steam input settings, and the settings in desktop mode for keyboard and controller etc. If the settings are inside HHD I can't find how to launch it in the first place. I've seen some references to decky plugins but I don't see those in the decky plugin store, so if someone could point me to a "complete idiots starter guide to bazzite and linux in general" if that would cover it, or how to get to the remapping settings mentioned, it would be heavily appreciated. Big apologies, I feel like I can do a lot of things in Windows, but feel like a complete idiot here 😅
antheas•7mo ago
GitHub - hhd-dev/hhd: Handheld Daemon, a tool for configuring handh...
Handheld Daemon, a tool for configuring handheld devices. - hhd-dev/hhd
antheas•7mo ago
then you just hold R4 @nickname since you called
tryhardsoccermomswag•7mo ago
ring ring ring
StoneGuard•7mo ago
Thank you for the resonse! Ok, I feel incredibly dumb that I didn't notice the "in windows" part. Ok, so the follow-up question is that those steps appear to make it so I can access the on-screen keyboard (which I don't technically need but that's still nice) and the right-side menu (which I could already access by pressing the menu+A keys on the win mini). Which key combo is supposed to access the HHD menu? Note I have tried press and hold, double tap (even though it says that isn't supported figured why not try)
antheas•7mo ago
Uhby default the left button is keyboard the right button is qam You can change them in the settings on desktop Including using Xbox elite so those buttons become available in steam
StoneGuard•7mo ago
Ok, so if I'm understanding correctly I could just bind the Right button to be "PrinScr (0s) PrintScr (0s)" to simulate a double tap of the QAM?
Aru•7mo ago
map the L4 and R4 to the print and sysrq then open hhd and enable the setting that's named something like set L4/R4 to QAM you can open hhd in desktop mode via the handheld daemon app also, on the GPD win series, double tap of L4/R4 doesn't work. you need to hold instead for the HHD overlay unfortunate side effect of the implementation of the buttons by GPD
StoneGuard•7mo ago
Got it! The key step there I completely biffed was I searched in the desktop interface for "HHD", "TDP", and physically searched around, but literally failed to search for "handheld". I appreciate the patience. Promise I don't eat paint chips instead of Doritos! OMG. There's also just a swipe from the screen to open it too... I could have avoided all of this if I'd known that, lol!

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