Migrating from Amplify to Cloudflare Pages

I'm migrating my frontends from Amplify to Cloudflare Pages. Under Amplify, there's a way to easily connect domain -> branch that is being deployed. For example: staging.site.com -> develop site.com -> master How do I do the same in Cloudflare Pages?
8 Replies
Chaika10mo ago
Cloudflare Docs
Add a custom domain to a branch · Cloudflare Pages docs
In this guide, you will learn how to add a custom domain (staging.example.com) that will point to a specific branch (staging) on your Pages project.
Chaika10mo ago
for your master/production branch you can just add the custom domain normally and it'll just point there by default
FabbbbbbyyOP10mo ago
Oh I see! To confirm: 1. Create custom domain 2. Overwrite the DNS that is setup with ${branch}.your-project.pages.dev because it will point to your-project.pages.dev first?
AGill10mo ago
yeah basically. and your domain must be managed by CF to access this feature. I moved my domain over from namecheap to CF for this feature alone.
FabbbbbbyyOP10mo ago
Was your domain live? Seems like there will be downtime since it takes some time to register a custom domain. My current setup (Cloudflare DNS + Amplify): Cloudflare DNS - site.com -> amplify url
AGill10mo ago
based on your original question doesn't look like you need to register a custom domain though. If your domain is site.com you can map different branches to different subdomains. so www is a sub domain of www.site.com and so is staging is the subdomain for staging.site.com but it's all the same domain
FabbbbbbyyOP10mo ago
Sorry if my question wasn't clear but it seems like Pages only separates between production and preview. 1. Separate domain for each environment (this can be done) staging.site.com load.site.com production.site.com 2. Env vars What if I want to set different env vars for each preview environment? Seems like preview will be shared across staging and load
AGill10mo ago
yes that's correct. cloudflare only has production and preview environments I'm making do with that I have app.site.com and staging.site.com

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