Do all Hamburger menus need Js?

I’m curious , do all hamburgers need to have JavaScript or is it possible to use only Css + html ? Is it better/ more practical to use Js rather than only Css?
31 Replies
ἔρως10mo ago
you can do it with just html, using the popover api
ἔρως10mo ago
MDN Web Docs
popover - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
The popover global attribute is used to designate an element as a popover element.
ἔρως10mo ago
<button popovertarget="my-popover">Open Popover</button>

<div popover id="my-popover">Greetings, one and all!</div>
<button popovertarget="my-popover">Open Popover</button>

<div popover id="my-popover">Greetings, one and all!</div>
^ this is the first example and it does nearly everything you need, except it looks ugly with some styles, you can make it look like an hamburger menu
DaniellaOP10mo ago
I will read up on it rn , thank youu
ἔρως10mo ago
you're welcome this is all new stuff that came out very recently, by the way
Jochem10mo ago
the alternative is the checkbox hack, but honestly you need like... 6 lines of javascript to make a hamburger menu
ἔρως10mo ago
not with the checkbox hack you can make it fully with css and html no js
DaniellaOP10mo ago
I haven’t started js , so thats why I was asking , I been making stuff with html n css only
ἔρως10mo ago
the other alternative is ... <details> i know it sucks for menus and stuff, but it is something , if you don't care about accessibility
Jochem10mo ago
yeah, that was a bit unclear. The checkbox hack uses zero JS, but a "proper" hamburger menu with JS uses maybe 6 lines
ἔρως10mo ago
yes, that's right
Jochem10mo ago
this is a terrible suggestion, because everyone should and honestly must care about accessibility
ἔρως10mo ago
true, but it's an option, and it can be made accessible with some js "patching"
Jochem10mo ago
even the checkbox hack is probably a bit off, but misusing details is definitely a bad idea
ἔρως10mo ago
i have to agree with you im sure there's a js way to make it accessible but the popover api is what matters now but is it accessible? 🤔
DaniellaOP10mo ago
I’m not sure but it looks cool
ἔρως10mo ago
me neither, but does look easy
b1mind10mo ago
You also have to know if you can use a feature that is that fresh off the press None of the solutions are that greatly accessible without some thought though. details summary is meh for menu's even though that is what github uses. they also add quite a bit to make it accessible The only reason I would even use it, is to have a menu that works without JS but guess what theirs does not so xD checkbox hack is just that a hack too so I'd avoid it. popoverAPI will be the savior maybe 🤞
DaniellaOP10mo ago
Wonderbear10mo ago
There is also a solution with the :target selector
ἔρως10mo ago
oh, yeah, forgot that but that changes the history of the page, which can get super irritating imagine opening the menu twice and trying to do back to google, but you end up showing and hiding the menu (i know you can do some sort of black magic to make it work with js, without adding to the history, but that is overly complicated)
querp10mo ago
This made me lol 😆. WCAG all the way, baby! I know very little about hemburger menu's. But if I had to make one, I would make the nav twice (mobile and big screen). Then use a media query to: -hide the icon -show the big screen nav -hide the mobile nav What am I missing? Aria labels?
b1mind10mo ago
No need to make the nav twice.... Learn better CSS The big issue we are taking about is the open and close if the hamburger.
ἔρως10mo ago
^ yes, and make it work without js but mostly opening and closing
querp10mo ago
Well, I gave it a shot. But failed 😆. I thought I could do this with a select element, but they couldn't be properly styled.
querp10mo ago
So I made the nav appear on hover instead of clicking.
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ἔρως10mo ago
at least add a :focus-within state
salentipy10mo ago
I'm sure everyone else has answered you already, but I do know a hamburger menu can be created just with HTML and CSS. Jen Kramer has a course on Frontend Masters that I know addresses it. Kevin probably has a video on it, too!
salentipy10mo ago
Here's a video where community members submitted reponses to challenges. Not sure what all tools they used.
salentipy10mo ago
Here's another one (not Kevin, though) which shows you how to do it with CSS only
Web Dev Simplified
How To Build An Animated Hamburger Menu With Only CSS
Free CSS Selector Cheat Sheet: Hamburger menus are incredibly popular in sites, but building one that is animated, responsive, and uses no JavaScript is quite difficult. In this video I will show you how to build a hamburger menu with only CSS that is fully responsive and animated. 📚 M...
DaniellaOP10mo ago
Thank you, I check it out now the designs for the first vid are cool , I haven’t watched the 2nd vid yet but I will today

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