Ongoing Inspiration Albums: Ivy - Topic of the day 5/20/24

We want to bring back curated inspiration albums and we want you to help, please post your favorite Ivy inspiration whether new or old. We will collect all the images from these threads into style specific or even item specific albums on the substack! These topics will reoccur every few months so don’t forget to save inspo for us in between. Thank you!
15 Replies
jfarrell4682mo ago
Harvesting from recent highlights...
Weeg2mo ago
I dont know the difference between prep and ivy so maybe these dont all fit
Wonkymythology2mo ago
not an expert on ivy myself so summa this is maybe more ivy-inspired idk
zeometer2mo ago
imo preppy relies on color and prints for interest (nantucket reds, madras, pastels) while ivy relies on textures (wool, flannel, tweed, denim, etc.) and shapes (Barbour jackets, pleated pants, etc) there's degrees of nuance to it but for the sake of dressing that's how i view it
kyn2mo ago
saving all my inspo for the city boy album :angy:
zeometer2mo ago
Yale Dress Study Group Style Guide; I made the random but fun choice to dress according to this for the length of March and the fits are here; here are some of my favorites
jfarrell4682mo ago
That Yale style guide is :chefskiss: "avoid pants that are too tight-fitting" and "you can go anywhere with a pair of penny loafers" are MFA 2024 meta. maybe we need a "Basic Ivy Bastard" guide.
jibba2mo ago
lol any idea when this was from?
zeometer2mo ago
that guide was printed in take ivy so 1965 at the latest, but possibly earlier
kstocks2mo ago
how do I save an entire thread as inspo?
My four moods
OceanicEternity2mo ago
Man I didn't know that Yale had a dress style guide. I tried to find if my uni has one but all I could find was the guide for graduation dress. It was like "loafers are good. Did we mention loafers? You should buy more loafers. Also loafers" lmao
zeometer2mo ago
there's some misinformation around that but that wasn't an actual enforceable dress code 👍 that was a guide that yale's dress study group made to give to freshmen; like the basic bastard of 1965 i'm assuming yale did have dress codes but for specialized things like athletics or orchestra
Spuck2mo ago
I mean this is just MFA 😛
okaylama2mo ago