Desktop Mode Static
I’m curious if anyone has had this happen. I tried to connect my LeGo to my TV and desktop mode turned into this - a static mess. After disconnecting and rebooting I can use game mode just fine, but desktop mode goes straight to static whenever I switch to it. Any ideas would be super helpful!
7 Replies
press start + p and select to extend, probably happens due to duplicate
Will do! Wait, what’s the P button?
on the keyboard
you just need to fix the resolution
Negative. The screen just stays all messed up. I tried Win+P, CTRL+P and everything else I could think of that would equate to start 🙃
May just have to back up my saves from the game mode and reinstall. In the future is there a way to connect to an external display and avoid this though? I don’t wanna break it again 😢
you just need to delete a little file
to reset the resolution
alt + ctrl + f5 then rm -r ~/.local/share/kscreen; sudo reboot
Sadly nothing but the same. It seems to be an invalid refresh rate (as this used to be an issue before it was limited to 60-144). Would there be a way to reset the refresh rate? I hope? 😇
Ran into the same issue, Somehow solved it on my side:
I don't know if that's possible, but could it be prevented for the screen to switch outside it's supported resolution/refresh rate?