Spike in automated traffic detected

i received this email but the button on it goes to a 404 my guess is because it’s a worker domain and not custom one that this page isn’t accessible. it’s also weird that there’s no link to the traffic graph or anyhing just a link to enable super bot fight mode.
12 Replies
Chaika10mo ago
Your workers.dev is technically a zone in your account just like anything else under Websites so it's an email just from it as a zone even if it was from a website there's no graph unless you are Business+, then you get a graph. Pro just gets a total summary over the last 24 hours
lunaOP10mo ago
okay but 1. the email is useless since the button doesn’t even work 2. why not just send me to at least my functions traffic. this just feels like a “we promise there’s traffic now pay us” type email
Chaika10mo ago
yea it's useless because their internal marketting stuff has no idea what is or is not a proper zone, is annoying not sure what you mean by the second part though "send me to at least my functions traffic"? What do you mean "functions"? That's from your Workers traffic only, and only traffic going to the workers.dev itself
lunaOP10mo ago
huh? my worker has a page showing the function traffic. why not send me there.
Chaika10mo ago
you mean how your worker has a request overview?
lunaOP10mo ago
yes. anything more than just “click here to pay us”
Chaika10mo ago
This email is from your workers.dev as a zone, zones are what they call each website in Cloudflare. The system has no idea its from a worker or relating to a worker. It's also why the button doesn't work. In a perfect world you wouldn't get those at all, because you can't even get or enable Bot Fight Mode on your workers.dev even if you wanted to In other words, your workers custom domain (x-140.workers.dev) is a hidden website in Cloudflare just like any other website under the websites tab, marketing emails don't know that though
lunaOP10mo ago
okay well can this be raised to someone in that team then? this seems to be a reoccurring issue where i say something is broken and im basically told “yep that’s how things are”. 🙃
Chaika10mo ago
we've raised these as issues before even recently afaik, I think the root issue is just they don't have any good classification system for them, or at the very least not one marketing has access too community champs are just volunteers, all we can do is report things in our free time and sometime things just don't get fixed and they become known issues like this. This discord is primarily for Cloudflare Developers and the dev platform which this isn't exactly within scope, we can try though
lunaOP10mo ago
okay i’ll try and raise this by other channels.
Chaika10mo ago
sure, worth a shot. Ultimately the most we can do here is report it as an issue and have it passed into their channel, and hope that team addresses it. There's no cf employees from marketing here in or anything, no direct contacts
lunaOP10mo ago
okay i’ll see if i can talk to someone about that too.

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