R2 Object Storage - 500 Error

I am experiencing the following error when I try to upload an image to R2 within PayloadCMS. Not sure how to resolve this. Here is the /package.json file: https://jsbin.com/vozasahevi/edit?js And here is the /src/payload.config.ts file: https://jsbin.com/deyowizahi/edit?js The /.env file contains CLOUDFLARE_ENDPOINT, CLOUDFLARE_ACCESS_KEY_ID, CLOUDFLARE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and CLOUDFLARE_BUCKET
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1 Reply
Chaika10mo ago
Do you have any more info on the error then that? That error you posted is really vague, could be anything wrong with your end. A few common mistakes are: The R2 Custom Domain can't be used for S3, has to be the https://<account-id>.r2.cloudflarestorage.com. Make sure you are generating the R2 API Tokens under R2 -> Manage R2 API Tokens, and your one isn't expired

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