What's the recommended way to build a
What's the recommended way to build a site with Pages using Hyperdrive? Every time I build (whether it's locally or on CF), I get this error:
For my local env, I did add that variable and it worked. However, I don't know what to do when using automated deploys from Github. I don't want to add this to the Cloudflare env (if I add it, it does work to fix the error) because I don't want it to overwrite Hyperdrive actually working properly. How do I build a pages site with Hyperdrive on Cloudflare?
Build log for reference: db4f9c3e-eba7-4acd-ae2c-3f8835bf48ae
3 Replies
Update: I got this to work. I needed a
env var everywhere I build, and it needs to be a valid db connection string (not sure if it actually needs to connect, but I just passed it my dev db connection string). After building, it will only use the actual hyperdrive binding and won't use the local connection string.
Not a great experience and makes me a bit worried that I might connect to the wrong db, but it works.cc @thomasgauvin
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