While runnning a python file in my pod, I encounter a ModuleNotFound Error for tkinter
I have installed tkinter using pip and through
apt-get install python3-tk
. Still getting the error. I don't care about the gui as much as I care that my application completes (the application results are independent of gui tools). What can I do?24 Replies
Would need to know more details
maybe its using venv, and yes give more details on your problem like logs on the error and explain more
Thanks for the reply folks, I cant find gpus for my pod yet, let me create the issue and send the exact error logs and the steps I followed to run it.
In the meantime, what details should I include?
I am planning show the list of packages I installed, the order of installation, and the name of my pod's template. Also the error log, obviously. Anything else which would help you?
What's the error
What command did you run
Lastly what do you expect
Error message -
dependencies installed (through pip)-
name: MonoGS
- pytorch
- conda-forge
- defaults
# - cudatoolkit=11.6
- plyfile==0.8.1
- python==3.7.13
- pip==22.3.1
# - pytorch=1.12.1
# - torchaudio=0.12.1
# - torchvision=0.13.1
- tqdm
- pyyaml
- pip:
- submodules/simple-knn/
- submodules/diff-gaussian-rasterization/
- opencv-python==
- munch
- trimesh
- evo==1.11.0
- open3d==0.17.0
- torchmetrics
- imgviz
- PyOpenGL==3.1.1a1
- glfw
- wandb
- lpips
- rich
- ruff
I also installed tkinter explicitly
apt-get install python-tk
pip install tk
Template used -
RunPod Pytorch 1.13.1
RTX A4500
Should I comment out the plt.figure() line?
Maybe you're using venv, and forgot to activate it before installing pip package
sure if thats okay
Hi, no I wrote a script to pip install all the dependencies, instead of installing them through a venv (the file is built for anaconda)
cool I will try that. Can we not plot any figures in general in a pod? Like, even if I try, will it always give an error? Or can I simply skip the plotting and run the rest of my code
Running python -m tkinter from the command line should open a window demonstrating a simple Tk interface, letting you know that tkinter is properly installed on your system, and also showing what version of Tcl/Tk is installed, so you can read the Tcl/Tk documentation specific to that version.
no need to install it. It is usually preinstalled by default. Make sure you
write tkinter correctly (with capital letter T on versions less than python 3)
while importing
Wait what python version are you using?
I ran the command
python -m tkinter
. I got this error /usr/bin/python: No module named tkinter
python -m Tkinter
try that
Python 3.8.19
/usr/bin/python: No module named Tkinter
sudo apt-get install python3.8-tk
Ok, it will install in all probability, but I will have to run my program to check if it fails. Let me get back in 2 mins
Yes, it installed correctly
Hmm? what do you mean
python -m pip install module
or if it doesnt works try
Hi, this seems to have changed the error message, but the import error still persists
Can we actually see any guis using the pods? Or is it purely a command line interface?
I think comment out the line plt.figure() shown in this error log helped. I dont see an error, and hopefully my training goes through
How about this?
Hmm it cna be a gui but yeah ssh needs specific software too
oh can you recommend what software will allow this? I am using vscode, and connecting using a regular ssh command. Does it need anything specific?
No i don't, search it up
Change the module
Still nothing
I edited
and Tkinter
in place of module, but got the same error
Can you help me with this?Hmm try searching your problem up on Google, I can't seem to find the solution yet hahah
What is ur gui for?
There is some templates for gui desktop like ubuntu
Try searching on explore page on runpod
Ok Cool, will do! For now I have generated all the GUI figures and plots, I'll try to view them locally on my system. I'll definitely look it up. Thanks for your help!
Sure np