I need some opinions on which font to
I need some opinions on which font to use to replace this black text on the official org website. I'm heavily leaning torwards the first one because the font looks very modern

11 Replies
Playing with type is one of my hobbies! just as a note of course you can go with any of those but always have in mind that you can (and should!) be able to change the space between the letters and the weight and see how it behaves
also you can think about the characteristics of the main "letters" of the word
for example in your selection you can see that the U R and A are basically the ones that have the most character and tend to change from typeface to typeface
I like the first one but I feel like the r undermines the legibility of the word given that it's so stylized
Here are some I played around on my end, most of which are variable fonts so you can tweak the specific weight so it can work both on dark and light background

In any case if I were to choose from the ones on your list I do believe the 1st one is the best
I'm a fan of the fourth one that you have there
whats that font called heh
And yeah, i can change the letter spacing easily in figma thankfully 😅
of course, gimme a minute
I'm also rocking figma as well
there are too many fonts included by default i swear
From top to bottom:
1) Expletus sans
2) Exo 2
3) Space grotesk
4) MuseoModerno
5) Spinnaker
the reason is simple: It's all google fonts
ah makes sense
included by default you like it or not 😅
Like I mentioned, most of these are variable fonts, so you can really change the weight outside of the standard couple that they give you
(among other stuff that they may or may not have, like inclination, how tall, etc)
Hope it helps! I don't mind giving a hand wherever possible
Oh yeah thank you so much!
MuseoModerno looks good. I also kind of like the last one you posted @Niklas âš¡