confusing serverless endpoint issue

After a successful call through run or runsync, i get my handler's success json. after about 5 seconds, the successful response json turns into this: Status Code 404 "error": "request does not exist" but the process was successful. Any ideas as to why? can provide the worker ids
7 Replies
digigoblin2mo ago
Endpoint operations | RunPod Documentation
Comprehensive guide on interacting with models using RunPod's API Endpoints without managing the pods yourself.
digigoblin2mo ago
Job results for /runsync are only kept for 60 seconds after completion. Should be better with /run - they are kept for 30 mins
zfmoodydub2mo ago
i am also getting the following error for a lot of my runs. i am passing a fair amount of data through the api. "Processing error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/files/Zach/execution/REMOTE1/stem/vocals.mp3 (Caused by SSLError(SSLZeroReturnError(6, 'TLS/SSL connection has been closed (EOF) (_ssl.c:1131)')))" would you guess im reaching the 10-20MB limit?
digigoblin2mo ago
what is that hostname? Your webhook?
zfmoodydub2mo ago
sorry, are you asking for my endpoint? url? not exactly sure terminology wise what that means
digigoblin2mo ago
what is this?
nerdylive2mo ago
Wrong url might be the problem Or wrong config in the host It says ssl problem? Maybe the host doesn't support https l or wrong url