Domain Transfer to Cloudflare with existing DNS management in a Cloudflare Tenant

Hello, I have the following question. We need to move a domain from another registrar to Cloudflare, but the DNS of this domain is already managed by another Cloudflare tenant. After the move, the DNS should be managed by our Cloudflare tenant. What is the procedure for a smooth domain transfer in this case? Greetings and thanks, Christian
1 Reply
Chaika10mo ago
Hey, You'd have to transfer the DNS side/active the zone in your account first. Same procedure as you'd do normally, you can have them export all the records from their account and import them, double check all settings and such. (just be careful with proxy status, importing forces all to proxied) Once you're sure all the records and settings are set, you then have them change nameservers at their current Registrar to yours, get the domain active. Then once the domain is active in your accuont, you can transfer the registrar. Can't transfer a domain to CF Registrar in your account without it being active first
Cloudflare Docs
Import and export records · Cloudflare DNS docs
Use import and export to have more control over your DNS records and make processes like migrating a domain or bulk editing record comments easier.
Cloudflare Docs
Move a domain between Cloudflare accounts · Cloudflare Fundamentals...
You will have to move or transfer domains from one Cloudflare account to another if you:

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