TelemFFB issue

Effects from Telem, gunfire engine rumble
62 Replies
Number48110mo ago
Did you look for any errors in the TelemFFB log?
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Will post in parts, its says its too big
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
This is the whole log
Number48110mo ago
Thanks, yeah... I don't see anything obvious here. Seems to connect fine up front and then just suddenly times out. Can you open a fresh copy of configurator and then send me a screenshot of what the debug tab looks like after starting TelemFFB with the sim running? I want to see if it is even getting the effects that TelemFFB is trying to start before it times out and starts erroring. This tab:
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I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
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I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
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Number48110mo ago
you posted the other day you were having issues with the joystick responding in IL2. Is that still happening?
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
It responded in IL2 , just it felt mushy And still works
Number48110mo ago
while the error in TelemFFB seems to indicate a USB communications failure, it is possible, but unlikely that a corrupt userconfig is causing some underlying issue. Can you post your userconfig.xml file? (find it in the same location you found the logs)
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Its late night here so I can continue tomorrow, appreciate your time.
Number48110mo ago
same here 🙂 Only other (stab in the dark) suggestion I have at the moment is to try another USB port on your machine. Have a good night!
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Change to other USB port and no luck Either DCS or IL2, no FFB effects.
Number48110mo ago
Can you send the log from trying with DCS as well? I expect it will look identical but worth checking. The error in the log, and the fact that TelemFFB is initially connecting to the joystick fine, but then shortly times out leads me to believe the issue is not telemFFB. The user config looks OK. There's really not much that could get corrupted on a crash. Everything other than the system settings and the user config is bundled inside the exe and only gets extracted into a temp folder during runtime. You can try: - Reset your system settings. - in Regedit, navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VPforce - right-click on the TelemFFB folder and select "Delete" - Restart TelemFFB and configure the system settings See if issue still happens If it still occurs: - Rename your userconfig.xml file to userconfig.old - Restart TelemFFB, it will create a new userconfig - your edited per aircraft settings will not be in the new userconfig, but this is just for a test
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I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Ok thanks, going out now and will try all this when I get back, hope it works. I tried everything as per your instructions and still I get no effects Log from DCS
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
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I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
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Number48110mo ago
The last, probably fuitless, thing to try would be to download a fresh copy of TelemFFB. @walmis any clues from a usb issue perspective based on the first "timeout" exception in the log?
2024-05-13 14:12:28.966 - ERROR - joystick - Exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 513, in timerEvent
File "", line 582, in readReports
File "", line 163, in read
File "", line 148, in __hidcall
hid.HIDException: hid_read_timeout/GetOverlappedResult: (0x0000048F) The device is not connected.
2024-05-13 14:12:28.966 - ERROR - joystick - Exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 513, in timerEvent
File "", line 582, in readReports
File "", line 163, in read
File "", line 148, in __hidcall
hid.HIDException: hid_read_timeout/GetOverlappedResult: (0x0000048F) The device is not connected.
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Deleted Telem and re downloaded and still no effects.
walmis10mo ago
The effects in question are from telemFFB, do the native in game effects work?
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Yes the Native effects do work
Number48110mo ago
The weird part is that TelemFFB connects initially to the device, starts some effects then you see the HIDException which just continues forever.
walmis10mo ago
Yeah, hidapi driver loses the connection for some reason
Number48110mo ago
I can drop a copy of my RhinoTester app in here if you think it would provide a useful data point. Here I purposefully disconnected my device to induce the error.. Might be an easier distribution to add additional debug logging to (if it fails in the same way as TelemFFB)
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I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Should I uninstall and re install ?
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Number48110mo ago
I think its after midnight in LT so walmis is probably 😴. I don't think it will hurt anything but IMO would be unlikely to be the cause.
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
That did not worked, I have tried everything I can think of, different USB ports, Restore PC to earlier time, uninstall, re install, delete telem, download new one., hope @walmis finds a solution for me. Now joystick is disconnecting, tried playing DCS without Telem
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
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I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Again flight does not even last 1 minute and disconnects, using default profile
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
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I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Could the problem be a hardware issue then?
Number48110mo ago
Is your joystick connected through a powered usb hub or directly so your PC?
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Powered USB , the one that came with the Rhino
Number48110mo ago
Not the AC power adapter. The USB plug.
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Oh , sorry, USB its connected directly to the PC. I reset the config, and did a 20 min flight, no connection issue (still no effects)
Number48110mo ago
As a last ditch effort from my side I’ll send you a build based on the latest development branch here in a bit. I’m out of ideas as to what could cause it, and why it would happen suddenly for no reason. I don’t really expect the new version to fix it, but the supporting files (including the usb api DLL file) are bundled in a different way, so who knows.
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
I really apprecite your help, thanks very much.
Number48110mo ago
You can try this build. Just unzip it somewhere separate from your existing version (don't install on top of it). You could unzip it adjacent to your existing VPforce-TelemFFB folder, for example. With the new version, the system settings format has changed so you will need to set that up again the first time you launch it.
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Thanks will give it a try Do you recmmend to start telem first? Or does not matter? Or game first
Number48110mo ago
Doesn’t matter
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
👍 It works! Just did a 30 min flight , lots of dogfights in DCS, all effects are there and work beautiful , thanks a lot for your time. Already recommended the Rhino to 2 squad mates and they already bought it, this kind of support does make a difference, great job!
Number48110mo ago
Well, I'm glad its working... but I'm really perplexed as to what could be wrong with the other version.
You can keep using that dev build for now. Just remember that when the new wip version does come out, you will need to update it from the other version you have installed. The build I gave you is tagged as a dev release and won't be able to upgrade in-line like the normal release version.
The only other thing I'd ask you to try on the previous version is to open up your temp directory located at Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Local\Temp and see if there are any folders that start with _MEI. If there are, delete them No rush on that though... last idea I could come up with 🙂
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I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
I have 8 of them
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
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Number48110mo ago
You can delete them all. Then give the old version another shot
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Ok but it wont mess up this version, right?
Number48110mo ago
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Was flying in DCS , got a disconnect again, I dont think is overheating because Fans are not even On , it just disconnects. Re started and working well with the effects again, any ideas what causes disconnect?
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
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walmis10mo ago
I suspect it might be some sort of EMI interference or a ground loop. Also it could be a failing connection at the USB cable or the internal USB harness, hard to tell due to the random nature of this. A few things I can recommend (without opening the Rhino internals): * plugging the power supply to an ungrounded socket * Trying a different USB cable * Getting one of those USB isolators:
DEVMO USB Isolator Module ADUM3160 USB Digital Isolation USB to USB...
USB Isolator Module ADUM3160 USB Digital Isolation USB to USB Voltage Isolator Board Protection (5KV ESD MAX) with OC Protection
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Thanks I will buy the USB isolator if none of the other options work.
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Have this issue its loose Also the dial does not make its sound anymore when I move it Dial seems to not be working moving it to one end or the other does not make a difference anymore.
walmis10mo ago
You can unscrew and open the rear panel and re-tighten the nut on the e-stop. Also can you post your configurator settings?
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
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I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
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I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
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Number48110mo ago
The adjustment knob on the Rhino is connected to the "pot #1" port. You have that set to disabled.
I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Thanks that fixed it, if I open the rear panel to adjust the nut, do I need to disconnect any electrical connections? Also will this void warranty?
Number48110mo ago
I’m just an owner/user like you :). But walmis did tell you that was how to tighten the e-stop switch.
I had mine off once not long after I got it (for pure curiosity). The fan wire does connect inside but you can just leave it connected if your careful.
You’ll need the appropriate sized torx bit.
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I/JG7_MotoOP10mo ago
Those two red cables that go to the e stop are they soldered or they can be pulled down?

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