RunPod2mo ago

Why is it considered that it is always in the queue state in serveless and cannot be executed?

The task has been stuck in the queue. The serverless Endpoint id is 9ufpu7wjug1mqc and the task id is a73ccb31-4ad7-4b2a-bed6-bfe3c7a16c06-e1.
22 Replies
nerdylive2mo ago
Has the workers finish initializing? Try reaching support through site with the same details here, because they might be able to help further with the endpoint
mr472mo ago
Thanks for your response. 1. A ticket has been submitted in runpod. 2. There is no doubt that the worker has completed initialization, because many tasks have been submitted at the same time, other tasks have been completed, and only this task is left behind.
digigoblin2mo ago
I also had a task that was never picked up a couple of weeks ago, its probably a bug in serverless.
mr472mo ago
@digigoblin i think so @digigoblin runpod support response to you?
digigoblin2mo ago
I didn't actually report it to support because I am constantly reporting issues with serverless to support and ita wasting my time, I have other things I need to get done.
mr472mo ago
digigoblin2mo ago
Log a ticket on the website, this is community support, RunPod support works through tickets.
mr472mo ago
Actually I submitted a ticket, but after half a month, there was still no response, so I came to Discord
nerdylive2mo ago
@mr47 what was your ticket id
mr472mo ago
@nerdylive yes, ticket url: https://contact.runpod.io/hc/requests/3938
nerdylive2mo ago
@Papa Madiator can you help with this? @haris
haris2mo ago
Raised internally
Madiator20112mo ago
Wierd that I did not get pinged here
flash-singh2mo ago
that task is too old, it will get removed @mr47 is there any other task that is causing issues? i see recently things have been getting completed if a task is stuck IN_QUEUE state, that means worker is not launching properly and picking up a task with runpod serverless, workers start and ask for jobs and given tasks as they become healthy, if this doesn't occur, jobs stay in queue even if workers start up and have a bug
digigoblin2mo ago
Yes but there is a bug where other tasks that are put into the queue afterwards all get picked up, but one job just sits in the queue forever without being picked up. I had to cancel at least 3 jobs because of this bug. It hasn't happened recently but I had a few of them a few weeks back.
flash-singh2mo ago
was the status IN_QUEUE or IN_PROGRESS? if you run into that again, please message me the id, i can try to find the edge case on what causes this bug
digigoblin2mo ago
They were all IN_QUEUE
flash-singh2mo ago
thanks let me now the request id if you run into it again
digigoblin2mo ago
Thanks, will do, its good to see you around again, haven't seen you around in a while.
flash-singh2mo ago
yeah feel like we haven't supported well on discord and with everything else going on, trying to find a balance and get better feedback from community as well
digigoblin2mo ago
I personally prefer this type of personal support than all the hackathons, ama's, contests, etc etc. Those things are not useful to me, but personal support and help with getting production issues resolved quickly rather than waiting days for tickets to be picked up are far more important.
flash-singh2mo ago
i agree, planning to improve